The Role Of King

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As the battle between Alvah and Prince Jun ceased to an end, an unbelievable reality as exposed to the peers. The Minister was arrested and there were accusations of Prince Jun conspiring with him. As the guards were called and began to usher Prince Jun away, Alvah stepped up with his arm reached out in front of him to stop them from taking his brother away.

"Wait!" He called out. "It's's not Jun's fault!"

Ivan faced him with concern, everyone there did. The guards stopped in their tracks, Prince Jun's back still facing us.

"But, Prince Alvah...." he began to say.

"What he had planned to do was corrupt, indeed. But he had not taken action to his plans, no? It is only Balam who should be prosecuted, not Jun. Jun was only helping him for the good of the land."

Prince Jun now turned to face his brother, his eyes widened with a dumbfounded expression painted along his face. And now everyone was staring at Alvah, the prince now the center of attention. He hesitated from the expectations from others to continue with what he has to say before looking right at me for reassurance and confirmation.

In contrast to everyone else's emotionless stares, I gave Alvah an encouraging smile followed by a nod to keep him going. He replied with a nod of his own and paused a little bit more before speaking up once again.

"I mean....well, perhaps he did intend to prevent me from becoming king but I'm a part of the reason that Jun would go this far. I was trying to appreciate his good sides but.." His voice became disheartening and sentimental, eyes downcast. "It seems that my intentions haven't reached Jun properly. It's not that I don't understand his feelings or anything. We're very different from each other, even our mere personalities clash. But it is no doubt that we both have different areas that we excel in."

Alvah looked up at everyone with a determined smile on his face and arm raised into a fist.

"Therefore, I am certain that if Jun and I work for this country side by side, we each can fill up the areas we lack in and nothing but prosperity will come."

An awed silence filled our surroundings. Then it gradually became murmurs and I could not stop smiling. I knew Alvah would say the right thing. I always knew he had it in him.

"And therefore, I ask you, drop the charges Jun seemed to have committed and let him go."

People's faces now turned with confusion and curiosity to the King, and then the guards, to Ivan, Prince Jun, back to Alvah, not exactly knowing who to look for a response to the request.

Then Prince Jun spoke up in a soft, low voice to explain in detail to what had happened. "I was deceived into helping Balam by his certainty of making the country better. Balam explained that the King had always been abusing the funds collected from the people, making a fool out of everyone. I merely desired to end this chain of evil."

Even with all the accusations, things seemed to have been turning for the good with Prince Jun's sincere words and explanation.

"Indeed, if I had lent my hand to Balam, perhaps we'd have been able to overpower Alvah." Alvah made his way over to Prince Jun. "And I cannot deny that....deep in my heart, that was what I was thinking."

Prince Jun's arms were hanging by his sides, hands curled in fists and eyeing the ground in shame. But Alvah's hand came and rested on his shoulder, causing the hands to uncurl and shoulders relaxing with the gentle touch.

"Jun, let's lift the country up together." Alvah said with an uplifting tone.

I walked into the center with Alvah's look that broke the contact with Jun's eyes. Around my wrist was the bracelet that held much more power than any bracelet should. Alvah gingerly held my arm, silently looking down at it dangle and shine against the setting sun before his eyes raised up to meet mine in hopes for approval.

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