chapie #13

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Louis's POV

Today was the day. Today I make Niall and Harry realise that they like each other. It will be easier then planned. Superman to the rescue.

I plan on getting Harry and Max to meet up with Niall and Kate. We are all gonna go to Nandos. Harry and Niall will realise that it hurts to much to see each other with other people. They will come together.

Niall's POV

Lois had texted me to get Kate and meet him at Nandos. I couldn't help but wonder what he was planning. I didn't care really its Nandos for crying out loud.

I texted Kate and asked her if she wants to go to Nandos with me and a friend. She only took like a minute to respond and huge YES. We decided to take different cars there though. On my way to Nandos I guess.

Harry's POV

Louis texted me and told me to get Max and met him at Nandos. So I texted Max and I am on my way there. I was hungry anyway, but to lazy to make anything. I am netting Max there too.

Louis's POV

The boys and their girls arrived completely confused. I made a horrible excuse about wanting to see my friends. They actually bought it.

Harry's POV

I didn't bye it.

Niall's POV

I didn't bye it.

Louis's POV

I could feel the tension but just continue to read my menu. Upside down of course. That is the only way to read. Niall got up to go to the restroom. Harry followed. The plan is working.

Niall's POV

I couldn't take it anymore. The girl he was with was so trashing. From her bottle blonde hair to her school girl laughter. I had to leave before I broke down. I went to the restroom only to be followed by Harry. I am jumping to the last step. This is taking to long. It physically hurt. I have to.

Harry's POV

I could see Niall tense up when ever I would talk to Max. He finally got up and left. I followed him because I need to know. I just needed to know if he likes me back. I cannot stand this girl. His wasn't much better either though. She just looked to distant. She looked like she didn't want to be here. She should be happy to be with Niall.

I walked in to the bath room to find Niall in the corner crying. I walked over and put my arm around him

N. I'm sorry I just can't stand to see her with you. It absolutely kills me. I can't do this.

H. Why cant you stand it?

He answered my question by quickly kissing me. It took me a few seconds out of shock but eventually I kissed back. Sparks flew every time we moved in sync. It is like we were meant to be. We fit like pieced of a puzzle.

We didn't pull away until we heard someone come in

L. YESS I knew the plan whole work!

L. Don't worry you two I explained the whole thing to the girls. They completely understand. They decided to go. I'm so proud of you guys.

H. What are you blabbing about?

L. I planned this. I knew the boy Niall was talking about was you. How did you miss it? You could also tell by the way you two looked at each other. You two totally like each other.

N. You like me?

H. Yes I have liked you since the day we met. I am absolutely head over heels over you. Niall James Horan will you be my boyfriend?

N. Of course. I have thought the same thing for years.

We sealed the deal with a kiss. I guess happy ever afters do exist.

this story is coming to an end. My baby has only the epilogue left. sorry if this is a shot ending. love ya -krista

The Plan Narry Storan A.U.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ