chapie 8

183 12 2

Niall POV

Step 2

I texted Harry and asked if he would like to go to the park for a walk. And that we needed to talk about something important. He agreed and asked me if I was OK. I loved the way that he cared for me.

*at the park*

I met up with Harry at the park. We started walking and soon began talking.

H. So what did you want to talk about Ni?

N. Um ever since I was in the third grade I noticed I had an attraction to a kid named John. Needless to say that soon after I found out that I was bisexual.

H. Oh that's not a bad thing buddy. Why didn't tell me sooner.

N. I didn't want you to hate me. I didn't need to loose an other friend. After I asked john out he beat me up and called me a faggot. That was the time I told you that I got beat up in a play fight that went to far.

H. I'm not going to hate you because truth fully I'm bisexual too. I had the same fear of telling you. I love that I can tell you because I feel like the world has been lifted off my shoulders. That I can finally breath.

H. So do you like anybody. You know what they say about leprechauns. They got mad skills with the girls or in our case everyone.

N. Yes actually I do you cheeky bastard. He's taller than me and has dark hair. You could get lost in his eyes and his laugh good make any mood better. I think I really love him, but I'm not going to tell him until the time is right.

H. Ohh Ni has a crush!

We spent the rest of the afternoon walking and went and got ice cream. Not once did I tell him who the mysterious guy was. My plan has worked out so far. I think talking to him is enough to make me love him more. I might not need to flirt with him as much as I thought. Making him laugh just makes me feel that spark between us. With out even touching. I hope he feels it too. God I hope so.

I went home after saying goodbye to Harry and getting an awesome fucking hug. He gives the best hugs.

I got home and checked step one off the list. I am happy with how things are going. I am still so nervous about the next few weeks to come.

Harry's POV

I loved the park with Niall. I felt so relieved about telling him the truth. I can finally be my complete true self now. Even more comfortable than before.

The guy that he described at the park reminded me of my self. A girl said the same thing about my eyes once. How can I be so conceited of course its not me. I hope he is happy. Although I wish it was me.

Sadly though I broke it off with Grace because there just wasn't that spark. I told her we could still be friends. She seemed to like that even more than a relationship. She said that they are always so complicated. I agreed I am sad but happy at the same time. I mean don't get me wrong I liked her but now I can spend my time trying to figure out who Niall's mystery guy is. I may even be able to help get the ball rolling.

Needless to say I went to bed with a goofy smile played across my lips.

What do ya guys think. Pls leave your feed back and don't forget to




Love you dolls.-krista.

sorry if this totally blows.

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