chapie # 11

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Harry's POV

I was having the worst kind of nightmare. The kind that felt too real. It was me Niall and Louis. Niall had just found out about the plan and he was heated. As in face red screaming. He told me how unbelievably nosey I was and he didn't want to see me ever again. He stormed out of the flat and I never seen him again. I feel in to depression and resorted to alcohol and self harm for relief. That felling out the out side pain meeting the inside pain equally just made it not shirt so much. It made me feel neutral.

I awoke in a cold sweat already crying. I tried for almost and hour to go to sleep but I couldn't. I finally made my way to Niall's room to hopefully sleep with him. He accepted my request and let me sleep with him. I feel asleep on his chest crying.

By the time morning came I was asleep with my head under his chin. I slowly looked up and seen his beautiful face. Then is when I noticed that I can't carry on with the plan. I would die if I see any ounce of pain in his eyes. He seems happy so far. Why mess it up.

I got up and texted Louis that the plan was off. I hope he understood.

Louis's POV

I hot a text from Harry saying that the plan was off. He said he couldn't hurt Niall like that if he were to find out. How can he be so dumb, Niall described him to the point. I'm continuing the plan just tweaking it a bit. I already know who the guy is so I just have to set them up. Plan Narry full throttle.

Niall's POV

I got up to an empty bed. I panicked because I thought he left with out saying good bye. Luckily I heard the sink running and came to the conclusion that he was up before me and went in the other room to not wake me up. Cool.

I got out of bed and put a random pair of sweats on and walked out of the room. I found Harry wrapped in a blanket with tea in his palms watching sponge Bob. This is truly adorable. I walked over and made my way to the seat next to him. I sat down slowly making sure not to spill his tea. I spent the rest of the day at home. After Harry left I got bored and started watching orange is the new black on Netflix.

Harry's POV

I couldn't take it anymore I had to leave. He just looked so damn fit. This truly isn't fair. I told him that I wanted to go and clean up the flat before it got too messy. It was half true Lou is extremely messy. I need a way to keep Niall off my mind. I need someone to detract me.

Once I got to the flat there was the normal note that said Louis was with Eleanore. This is normal so it just leave it be and get in the shower. I decided that I will go to the club later tonight to just clear my mind and have fun.

* at the club *

I am having my sixth whiskey shot and am totally hammered. My vision has gone a little blurry but that's about it so far. I started dancing and this really fit girl with blonde hair and blue eyes came up and asked me if I wanted to dance. I agreed and we started grinding and one thing led to an other and we ended up in the bathroom. I had her pinned up to the wall of a stall with her legs around my waist. It felt so good to hear her scream my name. I didn't know hers though so I just groaned. We were in there for a good 15 minutes before we both rode out our highs.

I don't know how I managed to text Louis to come get me. I sure as hell couldn't drive my happy arse home. I'm going to regret this in the morning.

I woke up with a massive hang over. What the hell happened last night. I grabbed to advil and my phone. I made my way to the living room downing the advil and checking my phone. I had a message from some girl name Max: Hey harry had a fun time last night. Maybe we should do that again some time just not in a bathroom. ;)

The events from last night played in my head in spots of flash backs. I had gotten enough to know that I had shagged this girl yesterday. Although I did enjoy the girl I didn't like the circumstances I did enjoy it in. Then it clicked I have just found my distraction.

What do ya think guys. Love ya -krista

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