"Why is water coming out of my eyes Natsu?"

It was his turn to wipe the water away from my face.

"You're crying 07."

I blink and tilt my head, "I do not understand."

He puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls me towards him. My forehead lands on his.


I blink, "Yes, Natsu."

"Have we met?"

"...no. I have only seen you on Wanted posters. Why?"

"You feel familiar."

"I do not know what feeling familiar means."

He suddenly roars loudly.

"What was that you just did?"

Natsu backs away and curves his mouth again, "Its called laughing."

"Laughing..." I repeated.

Natsu suddenly grabs my sides. He goes around my stomach and I feel his fingers moving around.

"What are-AH-HAHAHAHA!"

I suddenly yell out and fall back as Natsu crawls on top of me continuing the motion on my stomach.

"W-What is t-the mea-ning o-f t-this?"

"07, you're ticklish."

He finally stops and I breathe deeply. I sit up and look at him, my face was hot. I suddenly see his face turn red.

"Natsu you're face is red."

He looks away and covers the bottom half of his face with his hand.

"Er- y-your face is flushed s-so..."

I put my hands on my cheeks, I can not feel anything.

"When my face is warm, that means it is flushed?"

"Well- yes- flushed, flustered, red, embarrassed, blushing...."

"All of that meaning one thing?"

He nods and stands up and clears his throat.

"Uh- sorry about hitting and throwing you...I was...upset."


"Well, you killed a close friend of mine...."

My eyes glow, "Relationship: Loves Lisanna Strauss."

He stares down at me, before he could say anything I cut him off.

"I do not understand what love mean-"

What the...?

The name...it glitched?

I stand up and walk closer to Natsu and squint my eyes at Lisanna's name.


"The name next to Love... it's glitching."

"What does that mean?" he asks.

It stops.

It is at Lisanna Strauss.

I exhale.

"It stopped. It is at Lisanna."

He nods and looks away, "Yeah... I guessed you didn't know what love means."

I nod and stand up. I look at his information bar one last time. I began to look away till I saw another option. Below the info there was a 'More' option.


He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I walk up to him and squint. It is not a glitch. I raise my hand and point my finger. Before pressing it I examen his profile again.

Name: Natsu Dragneel
Age: 19
Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer
Guild: Fairy Tail
Relationship: Loves Lisanna Strauss

When I finish I push on the 'More' option. The previous list disappears and it is a completely new one.

Parents: Unknown
Likes: Fire, Food, Dragons, Fights, Friends.
Dislikes: Robots

My chest tingles again. Not surprising... I killed his 'love'.

I blink which makes the glow away in my eyes that allows me to see the profiles, it was gone now.


I look at Natsu.

"Don't get me wrong. You're still a Robot. We're still enemies. Got that?"

I nod, "Of course, my orders are too kill any and all Guild Members so I shall do so Natsu Dragneel."

His lips curve up making that odd shape again except showing teeth now.

"Bring it on 07."

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