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As soon as Hansol walked in he was greeted with the warm scent of home. The house was small and quaint with the curtains open and the afternoon sun beaming through. Hansol felt a little out of place with his black skinny jeans and black hoodie.

"Guys, be nice to Hansol. I'm going to change." As soon as Seungkwan disappeared upstairs, Hana pulled on Hansol's hoodie.

"Hansolie~ Come here!" She whispered, pulling him to a small end table. She opened one of the drawers and pulled out a small bottle of pink nail polish.

"This is my brother's. Will you paint my nails?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.

"You'll have to ask your brother for permission first, Hana," Hansol said as kind as possible. Soon Seungkwan came back downstairs. He was wearing an oversized baby blue sweater and grey sweat pants. Hansol found it awfully adorable.

"How can you make sweats look cute?" He asked mainly to himself.

"Kwannie! Can Hansol please, pretty, pretty, pretty, please paint my nails!?" Whined Hana. Seungkwan squatted down to her height.

"I don't know, Hana,"

"I don't mind." Hansol butted in.

"Only on one condition. I get to paint Seungkwan's nails too." Hansol said grinning.

"What? No way!" Seungkwan said flustered. 

"Please Kwannie?!" Hana begged. 

"Fine." Seungkwan agreed cheeks ablaze. 

Hana lead the two teens into the kitchen and sat at the table. Hansol finished Hana's tiny nails and was really looking forward to painting Seungkwan's.

Hana ran off to show her brothers which left Hansol and Seungkwan alone.

"Give me your hand," Hansol commanded. Seungkwan obeyed.

"Good boy." Whispered Hansol, sending chills down Seungkwan's body and leaving Seungkwan's cheeks visibly hot. Hansol started painting the delicate pink color onto Seungkwan's fingernails.

When Hansol was done, he placed both of Seungkwan's hands into his own and placed them in front of his mouth, blowing on them to dry. Seungkwan probably looked like he was about to faint by now.

After a minute of dying inside, Sejun ran in,

"Kwannie, we're hungry. Can you order pizza tonight?" Seungkwan nodded, unable to speak due to embarrassment. Sejun ran back to his siblings probably to celebrate the coming of pizza.

"I'll stay for pizza too, Kwannie~." Hansol teased. Seungkwan's cheeks once again lit up. Seungkwan ordered the pizza, leaving Hansol so he could actually focus.

When he returned, Hansol was in the living room telling a story to the triplets. Seungkwan decided to join and listen as well. Eventually, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Hansol yelled as he jumped up and ran to the door. When he opened the door a girl around their age was standing in front of him.

"Hansol?" She asked surprised. He looked at her nametag.

"Yoora?" He asked confused. Then it hit him, it was the girl from lunch. Seungkwan got up and made his way to the door to help Hansol.

"Seungkwan?!" She reacted in disgust.

"Are you going to stare at my beauty or give me my pizza?" Seungkwan retaliated. She shoved the two pizza boxes into Seungkwan's arms.

"What are you doing at Hansol's house?"

"Actually, I'm at his house," Hansol answered with a hateful look.

"If you want, Hansol. I can give you a ride home from this fat loser." Yoora suggested. Hansol took a quick glance at Seungkwan and saw him falter. Hansol threw the money at her and slammed the door.

Seungkwan looked up at Hansol, who was already looking fondly at Seungkwan.

"Thanks," Seungkwan said quietly.

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