"Well," Abbey started, "I keep seeing this man in my dreams. I think he could be my father. But for some reason, I feel oddly disturbed by him, like, he's a disease or something. He gives off this fatherly vibe one minute, then he gives off this disturbing feeling the next."

Alex stopped walking.

"Did I say something wrong?" Abbey asked.

"No," Alex whispered, "I just, faded out for a second, that's all."

"Ok." Abbey began to walk inside of the house. But stopped when Alex called out her name.

"Hey Abbey." Alex called out.

"Yeah?" Abbey responded.

"Try not to fall out of anymore trees while you're here, okay?"

Abbey laughed and shook her head.

"Yeah, okay."

❌ ❌ ❌

"Try again Abbey," Charles held his hands behind his back as he watched the girl, "this time, try to focus."

"I am focusing." Abbey said through clenched teeth.

Charles only smiled.

Abbey sighed and closed her eyes. She focused on her power, felt the energy moving through her body. Then, Abbey released it. All the mannequins were on fire.

"I'm guessing I didn't pass." Abbey huffed.

"Why don't you take a break Abbey." Charles said. "It looks like you need it."

Abbey nodded her head and walked out of the room. As she opened the door, she walked right into Alex.

"Sorry." They both said in unison.

"How'd you do?" Alex asked.

"I might of set all of the mannequins on fire." Abbey laughed.

Alex chuckled.

"I'll see you in a little bit." Alex headed into the room. The door shut behind him.

"Don't worry Abbey." Hank closed the door all the way to ensure everyone's safety, "you'll pass next time."

Abbey smiled.

"Thank you, Hank."

❌ ❌ ❌

"Alex," Charles sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "if you don't get your head out of the clouds, you're not going to make any progress."

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

"You keep thinking about her." Charles replied.

"Who, Abbey?" Alex chuckled, "I wasn't thinking about her."

"Really?" Charles cocked a brow, "your mind tells me otherwise."

Alex sighed.

"Isn't that an invasion of privacy?"

"Yes." Charles answered. "Now, I think it's time to bring Abbey back in."

Just then, the door opened and Abbey walked in. Alex stood off to the side.

"Ready Abbey?" Charles asked.

Abbey nodded her head.

"Begin whenever you're ready."

Abbey let out a deep breath. Then, she focused. She could feel her body heat up. Abbey moved her fingers slowly and felt the energy flowing through her veins. She slowly built up her power and opened her eyes. They were glowing red this time.

As Abbey released her power, she began to hear voices in her head. And they weren't pleasant.

"Ahh!" Abbey cried out and hit her knees to the ground. Her hands went up to her ears to try to cover up the noises, but it wasn't working.

"Make it stop!" Abbey cried out.

Charles, Alex, and Hank were all around Abbey. Charles was saying something, but Abbey couldn't hear him.

Abbey could feel something cold touch her side. She could feel the hot pain that it caused, as an invisible object ran itself down the side of her neck and her stomach.

Tears rolled down Abbey's cheeks. She cried out in pain. Abbey wanted the pain to end. She could feel her hands heating up. Abbey's eyes began to glow red again.

"Abbey stop. You have to control it, fight it!" Charles had two fingers up to his temples as he tried to read Abbey's mind. He saw a blurry picture of a man cutting into her skin. Abbey was passed out onto a cold, metal table.

"Oh my god." Charles breathed.

"Charles," Hanks voice shook with fear, "she's getting up."

Abbey slowly stood up. She clutched her side with one hand. The other hand was beginning to glow a bright red.

"STOP HURTING ME!" Abbey screamed. She was about to let go of her power. But Charles stopped her.

"Go to sleep!" Charles shouted.

Abbey's eyes fluttered and she began to wobble. Then, Abbey began to fall, but Alex caught her in his arms and picked her up.

"Bring Abbey to her room." Charles said as he quickly walked out of the room.

Alex carried Abbey to her room. Sean and Raven began to ask questions once Alex came out of Abbey's room.

"She's fine," Alex said, "Abbey just had a minor episode, that's all."

Raven looked towards Abbey's door.

"What could have made her have an episode like that?"

"I don't know." Alex answered, "I don't, know."

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