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You were surprised that you weren't through with James; He was captivating. Something was missing, but you liked him more than you'd liked anyone else you'd dated recently. It felt the closest you were going to get. You went home, gushing about this man who'd sparked your interest. Tina was gushing and overflowing with excitement. She pulled you to sit on the couch and tell her all about him and how things were going with you.

You were so excited, and so excited about her excitement, that you didn't notice the way that Newts face fell, across the room. He looked up from writing his book and stared at you with broken, forlorn eyes.

James had done everything the other guys had done and more. You had never been as excited about any of the others. He felt like you were slipping away from him. He desperately held onto the hope that this would taper out like the others.

"He asked me out on a date this Saturday. He promised that this would be a first in a series of amazing dates and I'm so excited." You said.

He remembered the way that the man had held you. That man, James, had wrapped his arms around you as you cooked him breakfast, like you were his. And that thought, the realization that you were resolutely slipping away from him, it snapped. With that, that hope shattered. And a burst of anger and possessiveness that had pent up from all the other guys broke through.

"I forbid you from going out with that opportunistic prick!" Newt yelled.

Everyone in the room turned and stared at him, shocked at his outburst. Even he seemed shocked at his outburst, his face turning red in disbelief.

A burst of emotion flared up inside of you, mixed emotions and indignance.

"Excuse you. I don't need your permission." You spat at him, indignant, but mostly surprised.

Newt stood abruptly and retreated back to your apartment. Queenie follow him. You stood up but Tina pulled you back down.

"Give him a minute. You shouldn't go into a conversation with your best friend this mad." She said, as Queenie followed him, but sitting down only gave you time to stew on your thoughts.

You remembered vividly, his face as you confessed your feelings. He'd tried to get away because he knew what you were about to say. He'd been uncomfortable with your feelings for him, too busy with Leta. And now, now when you'd moved on he was telling you who you couldn't date. The pain of that rejection washed back over you as you sat down thinking...but why? Why did he care what you did?

You stood up, slipping out of Tina's grasp as you stalked into your apartment.

Newt and Queenie sat on the couch. He looked distraught as he stammered out explanations for the thoughts she could read.

"I need to talk to him. Alone." You said.

Queenie slowly stood up and gave Newt a meaningful look before she walked through the adjoining door to her apartment.

For a few moments, you sat in tense silence.

"I don't need your permission. For anything I do. And that means you'll let me be and not be rude to anyone I choose to bring home." You said.

Newt clenched his fists.

"Well this is my home too, so I think I do have a say in who stays in here and if I don't want strange men in my home then that's my right. No strange men. No naked men. Except for me of course. Cause it's my apartment." He said, his cheeks turning red. The anger that he felt towards all the men that you'd brought home was coming up in his bitter words.

"Fine then. I'll just go to their place." You said.

He looked like he'd been punched.

"No," he choked out quietly.

As much as he didn't like this, he hated, he couldn't stand the thought of you in another man's home, in another man's bed.

"That's not really what this is about is it?" you said, crossing your arms and crossing the room.

He looked up at you, his green eyes filled with so much emotion.

"You know it isn't." he breathed.

He walked closer to you and suddenly, you were seized within a hurricane of emotion. The love you felt for him years ago, the things you'd gotten over, and now the rejection resurfaced.

"Y/N this...this hurts I hate seeing you with other men and I don't want you dating him because I can't stand the thought of losi-"

Suddenly the ice cold feeling of rejection was prominent and you remembered how he had hurt you.

"Stop." You told him. The memory of the pain was most prominent in the confusion.

"You chose her." You said.

"I loved you. And you love her. And you chose her."

His eyes filled with regret.

"I don't love her anymore. I swear it. I-I made the wrong choice. Y/N. I'm sorry, but if you give me a chance I lo-"

You pressed your finger to his lips, silencing him.

"No. Newt. I loved you. Past tense. Back then. I-I confessed to you, I gave you a chance. I loved you through all of Hogwarts, all throughout school. And then I got over you. It took so long to get to this place, this good place where you're my best friend, nothing less, nothing more. It took a long time to get to this. Where I felt good. Where we are good-" you said.

Newt backed away from you.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I wish I could go back and choose differently. But this isn't good. This isn't good to me." He said, then he walked away.


Permission to Love: Newt Scamander x Reader ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now