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        I looked at the window, while I read from my textbook in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I smiled at the perfect weather, it was late may, and school was going to be coming to an end soon. It was weird thinking that I wouldn't be coming back anytime soon, that I was going to be finished with Hogwarts. I couldn't help but smile, it would be nice to be able to get a job. I was hoping to get one at the Ministry, but I don't know if that would be possible with my... condition. 

        Th bell rang and I gathered up my stuff. I walked out of the classroom, and back towards the boys dormitories. I ran into Tonks, and she kissed me lightly on the cheek before she ran off with her friends. I walked into the dormitories, to see Sirius glaring at James and Lily. I smirked at him and sat down on the couch. 

        "What's up with you?" I asked Sirius. He turned around and looked at me. 

        "Them... That's all they do now. Talk, cuddle, and kiss. It's disgusting!" Sirius said. I laughed at him and went back to my book.

        "Are you still dating my cousin?" Sirius said, now he was glaring at me. 

        "Um, Ya. You knew that," I said, and looked at him a little cautiously. 

        "You shouldn't date her," Sirius said. At first I was a little taken aback, but then I glared at him. 

        "And why not?" I growled at him. It wasn't his choice on who I can and can't date. 

        James came over at sat by us, and immediately recognized the tension. 

        "What's wrong guys?" he asked, looking at us. I glared at him, and said, "Oh probably something you'll just side on with Sirius. So why don't you just take your abnormally large nose out of it." 

        James looked shocked, I was pretty shocked myself with what I said, but James didn't get upset. I guess he could tell I was furious, and that's what had caused me to say it. 

        "Oh, just Moony's dating my cousin and he's way to dangerous for her!" Sirius said, and focused his glare at me again. 

        James looked at Sirius, and I thought he was going to agree, but he did something that shocked me, he narrowed his eyes at Sirius. "What do you mean, he's too dangerous for her?" 

        Sirius glared at the two of us now and said, "Moony's dangerous!! Goddammit!! We all know it! One wrong move and my cousin could be terribly injured or worse, killed!" 

        "Moony's not dangerous!!! You just don't want him to date your cousin, because you're a bloody asshole!" James yelled at Sirius. 

        My glare ceased and I thought about my issue. I was too dangerous, Sirius was right, if I so much as swiped her, she could be in serious trouble. I couldn't be with anyone, I needed to be alone, I needed to live my life alone. Never have a family, never have a wife, never have a kid. I was too dangerous. I was Bloody werewolf!! I needed to spend my life alone, live it on my own. People weren't safe around me, I needed to break up with Tonks, for her own safety. Even if it crushes my heart to do it, Tonks needs to stay away from me. 

        "You know about Remus's condition!! He could harm her!!" Sirius yelled at James. I looked at the two of them, they were still arguing. 

        "Remus has control, he has freaking control over it!! He isn't dangero-" James said, but I interupted, "Sirius is right, I'm too dangerous. Tonk's life would be better off without me in it."

        "What?! No!" James said, but I had already gotten up from my seat, and was heading towards the porthole. 

        I walked out and heard James yell, "You happy now, Are you happy now that you've ruined our best friends life!" I closed the porthole and started to look for Tonks. 

        I finally found Tonks out by the Quidditch field, talking to Lily. "Hey, um... Tonks, we need to talk," I said. Tonks looked at me and smiled. 

        "Um... Okay. I'll see you later Lily," Tonks said. Lily walked off and smiled a bit at Tonks. I was just going to be straightforward. "Tonks, we need to break up."

        She looked at me in surprise, but then tears began to prick at her eyes. "And why do we need to do that?" 

        "I-I'm to dangerous for you," I said, my voice cracking at the end. 

        "How are you too dangerous for me, your freaking bookworm," Tonks said, tears sliding down her perfect face. 

        "I just am," I said. I tried to keep my voice steady, but it was difficult. 

        "Remus, I know you have to leave once a month, I know you have some illness, but we can get through it together," She said, grabbing one of my hands. 

        "You don't get it do you, I'm too dangerous!" I said. I tried to pull my hand away, but she was holding onto it way too tight. 

        "You are not dangerous!! I know you have some illness that causes you to leave each full moon, b-" Tonks began but I interrupted.

        My anger flared a bit and I yelled at her, "You don't see what it is do you! I'm a freaking werewolf!!! I could kill you, and I wouldn't know about til the next morning!!! I would kill myself if I did anything to you!!"

        She looked at me when it suddenly dawned on her. She looked at me with a bit of fear, and began to sob. I looked at our hands, and I could feel something gathering in my throat. I need to go. I turned to leave but she pulled me around.

        "I know, deep in my heart, that we are going to be together, and be happy. Even if you don't think so right now! It might take twenty years for you to realize, but we'll be able to live together, to be happy. I know so!! You'll come back to me in the end," She said. She kissed my cheek and then walked away.

        I stood there shocked, and began walking back to the common room. She didn't understand, I was going to have to spend the rest of my life alone. Alone.


        Thanks so much for reading!! This was the last chapter!! There will be a tiny epilogue, but this is the last of the marauders at Hogwarts!! Thank you for all of the reads!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this book!!! Please feel free to comment and vote!! Thanks again!!

        *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, none of them belong to me.*


Seventh Year CrazinessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora