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        I looked over at Tonks and smiled. She kissed me gently on the cheek and said, "Well, Bye, Have a good Holiday!" 

        She turned to run off, but I turned her around and kissed her. She smiled into it and began to play with my hair. "Get off my bloody cousin!" 

        We jumped apart and I looked to where the voice had come. I saw Sirius glaring at me and James smiling and laughing. I was surprised to see Peter tagging along, we hadn't hung out with him for weeks. Tonks blushed and waved, before running off. 

        I started to walk towards them and Sirius glared at me. "Stay away from Nymphie!" I looked at him and laughed a bit. "Ya, like that's gonna happen. She's my girlfriend!" 

        "Oh, you bloody little git, I'm going to kill you!" Sirius said and made a run towards me. James and Peter grabbed hold of him. I laughed at him and said, "Well let's get going to my place. I still don't get why you guys wanted to come over to my place for the holidays." 

        They all smiled and followed me towards my car. I looked at my car and smiled. I hadn't driven it since Summer, it would be nice to get behind the wheel. 

        "What the bloody hell is that thing?!" James said. I looked at my friends who all looked terribly confused. 

        "You guys honestly don't know what a car is?" i said. I thought even wizards knew what a car was! I looked at them to still see them confused.

        "i might've read about them," Peter said, and then came closer to my car. 

        I looked at them and said, "Well get in. That's the way we're getting to my house." They looked at me and then pulled out a door. James and Peter got into the backseat and Sirius sat up in front. I got in and started up the engine. 

        "You guys ready for a hell of ride?" I said, and then pulled out of the driveway.


        For the first ten minutes in the car, my friends were freaking out. They kept screaming and holding onto things, like they were going to fall out of the car if they didn't. I smiled when they finally shut up. "I like these things," James said, and looked over at me.

        "Thanks, I like having one to," I said, and looked back at James. Sirius and James began to talk about Quidditch, and pranks they wanted to do when they got back to Hogwarts.

        This gave me an idea... Hmm. I looked at my friends, Peter had joined in on the conversation, maybe just once I could prank them, after all they had been giving me shit about Tonks for the last couple of weeks. 

        I looked ahead of me, making sure there were no cars. I laughed a little bit and then looked ahead. Oh look at that, there's a hill right in front of me. Well this is going to be fun. I drove up to the hill, smiling and began to drive down it.

        "Jesus take the Wheel!" I yelled and took my hands off the wheel. I looked at my friends to see Peter holding onto James, James holding onto the back of my seat for dear life, and Sirius had turned into a big black dog, his claws digging into the front seat. I put my hands back on the wheel, laughing my head off. 

        "What the bloody hell was that for?!" Sirius yelled. James looked like he was ready to puke and Peter was trying to regain himself.

        "For giving me shit about Tonks!" I said, laughing like crazy. 

        "You Bloody Asshole!! You could have got us killed!!" James said. He was glaring at me, but that made me just laugh more. 

        I smiled at them, and drove into my house's driveway. I stopped the car and got out, and James followed me. Sirius and Peter were right behind him and we walked into my house. 

        "Wow, your house is so... Muggle," James said, "I thought your dad was a wizard."

        "Ya he is, but he doesn't live here anymore," I said. I walked up to my bedroom and sat on the bed. James, Sirius, and Peter looked at me, and gestured to their luggage.

        "Oh, you can put your shit on the floor," I said. They dropped their crap, and smiled at me. 

        "So my dear friend, what are we going to do?" Sirius asked. 

        "I'm going to go make myself toast, because I'm starving," I said and got up from my bed. I walked downstairs, and I could hear my friends muttering, "What's toast?" 

        I grabbed out the bread and toaster. "Would you guys like a piece?" I asked.

        "Moony, not to sound stupid or anything, but what's toast?" Sirius asked. I snorted, and said, "You really don't know what toast is?" 

        They shook there heads. I snorted again, "Toast is bread that has been toasted, that's why it's called toast."

        "Well, I'm hungry so I want a piece," Peter said. I put 4 pieces of bread in the toaster and said, "Okay it'll be done in a couple of minutes."

        I went over to the table and sat down, but James, Sirius, and Peter all stayed by the toaster, watching it.

        "Um, guys you don't have to wait for it," I said. But the all stayed by the toaster. 

        A couple of minutes later, the toast popped up, and they all jumped. I laughed at them and said, "Vol-la you have toast!


        Thanks for reading!! This book is coming to an end! This chapter was not edited. Feel free to comment, vote and follow!! Thanks again for reading!! 

        *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, I do not own any of them.*   

Seventh Year CrazinessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora