When people think you're 'not a real african'

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This takes place in science class.

Kid in front of me: "Ew! Smells like curry."

Me and best friend: *continue working*

Kid in front of me: *suddenly turns around and stares at me* "No offense."

Me: "..."

Um, what? 

This happened at lunch.

Girl next to me, talking loudly: "So, like. Somalis, like...they like, aren't real black people."

Girl next to her: "Totally. Have you seen them? They all have straight noses."

First Girl: "Yeah. But like, their skin is african."

Third Girl: "Where is Somali, anyway?"

First Girl: "They say it's in Africa."

How did they get pass fifth grade?

                                                                  THE END!

These are true stories. Wallahi!

Salam/Peace y'all!

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