A Thug's Bliss: Nineteen

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"Oooh, girl! Speaking of which, is it true?"

"What?" I looked up from my phone at her.

"That y'all gettin' back togetha'? Everybody is sayin' sum sh*t like dat!"

I grinned like the cat who had just caught the canary. I opened my mouth to say some big a*s lie, but technically it wasn't a lie because I knew it was gonna become true sooner or later. "Girl--"

The door's bell ringed like it did when someone either entered or exited. I shifted my over exaggerated big sunglasses on my face, once I noticed who came in.

The girl was a caramel complexion and had a honey blonde long weave in her head that dropped in curls. She had on some short shorts, a big black see through shirt over it that exposed her black bra, with some black heels on her feet, showing off her white toe nails.

She looked just like Dre's young a*s girlfriend.

"What's wron--" I shushed Parys and pulled my sunglasses up some more to observe the girl, whose name I think was supposedly Audrey.

I wasn't sure if it was Dre's girl, but it sure as hell looked like the b*tch.

Parys got the hint because she continued on braiding my hair.

I watched as the Audrey looking girl hugged Jamaica, another hairstylist who could lay hair down to the Gods, before sitting in her styling chair.

A couple of seconds later, a brown girl came in the shop. I recognized her to be my dumba*s cousin, Mickie.

She was wearing a grey tank top dress that was long with a jean jacket over it. I was a bit surprised. The h*e was always wearing sweatpants and pairing them with something.

I wondered why she didn't attend Reese's funeral today with her alleged boyfriend, Money. I had heard on the streets, she was with him, but I didn't believe the rumors and I still don't.

A man of his caliber didn't stoop low to b*tches like that.

I noticed she had a lil' cute weave in her head that was straight. It fit her better then that horrible a*s struggle bun, her nerd a*s used to wore.

She was glowing like she was all happy and sh*t.. it made me grimaced.

"Hi Jamaica!" Mickie smiled, hugging her. I rolled my eyes.

"Aubree, here's your phone." Mickie said, giving me confirmation that, that was indeed Dre's young b*tch.

So that's her...., I thought to myself.

I could see why he would like her. She was a cute lil' girl. Young and probably naive. I bet he walks all over her.

I sipped my can of Sprite and observed the two. I was glad I wore my sunglasses today, so I could scheme on b*tches without these h*es even knowing.

"So what you want today, Miss Aubree?" Jamaica asked the b*tch. Jamaica was a 19 year old light skin girl whose parents were from the Caribbean. I couldn't lie-- Jamaica was a beautiful place and is a beautiful name.

I remembered when Dre took me there once because he had business to handle. I was 3 months pregnant at the time with Caramel and we f*cked like the horny teenagers we were.

"I want it off, Jamaica. Cut it off."

Jamaica starting taking b*tch's tracks out of her head. I was too wrapped up in watching her, I hadn't noticed that Parys started sewing my own tracks in.

Jamaica began to undo the braids and when she was done, her hair came up into a big curly Afro. The hoe ain't have more hair than me, tho.

"Miss Aubree are you sure? Your hair is beautiful!"

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