Part 3

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"Ugh" I say as I wake from only a couple hours of sleep. I try going to back to sleep  but right as I'm dozing off I get a text from Erika "WHERE ARE YOU!YOUR AN HOUR LATE" I get up and ready, thinking about the shaking night I had.

                                        1:00 AM
"WAAAAAAAAA" I wake up to the screaming of my toddler. When she was younger she almost never cried. I run to her room hold her,comfort her,kiss her but nothing works. She's been crying for twenty minutes straight,and to this point Logan is in the room trying to help. "Take her temp" he says. "Why" I reply. "She never cries and her head is kinda warm TAKE HER TEMP" he screams. So I give her to Logan and get a thermonitor and take her temp. "102" I say. Logan and I rush to the emergency room. We let the doctors take her while we wait. The doctors.  We wait hours in the waiting room for an update. "Go home Jake you have a date tomorrow get some rest" Logan says "screw the date this is more important" I snap back "Jake go home! It's not good for you to be here" Logan says in a more strict term. "Fine" I say and roll my eyes. I drive home and try and sleep but I barely get any sleep.

                           Back to current time
I walk into the parking lot to a steaming mad Erika. "Your an hour late" she says with an attitude. "I'm sorry,I had a bad night" I said and took a deep breathe "So your late because you had a bad dream?! Grow up!" She screamed "I'll say it again I'm sorry. Can we just fight about it and enjoy our day?" "You seriously just wanna forget about this?thats so dumb it's funny" she chuckles and says. This makes me mad so I scream "ERIKA LAST NIGHT WAS HELL FOR ME." I screamed. At that point I realized that I over stepped. "Erika I'm sorry but things are really Complicated in my life. I don't know if I can do a relationship." "Ok well call me when you uncomplicate things" she said. We stood in silence for awhile. Cole silence, as I started to walk away she said "Jake wait! Can we be friends" she asked. "Why not?" I said

The kid (Jerika)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن