Pilot (chapter 1)

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Erika's POV
Ugh. I have to go to some stupid family dinner tonight. It's for my great grandmas 100 birthday or something.  Technically she is not eve my grandma she is my moms husbands grandma. Don't get me wrong I love my great grandma but I'm 21 and I think I should have the right to choose whether I want to go or not. Then again I'm also 21 and living with my parents. "Erika let's go!" My mom Angel called. "Dan is waiting in the car!" Dan is my moms husbands name. I stumbled downstairs and put on my shoes. "What are you wearing?" My mom asked "a dress" "you are not going to a strip club this is your great grandmas birthday! Go change into something appropriate" she says as she points upstairs.  I was started upstairs, but then my mom called me back down. "You know what we are already gonna be late so don't change. Just stand behind everyone else when we take pictures." *insert sarcasm*"Hahaha your so funny mom" "I know right" *no more sarcasm*

Once we got to the restaurant they're was a whole bunch of relatives there that I didn't know yet were saying things to me like "oh Erika! You have grown so much. You know the last time I saw you I think you were four. You remember me?" Like no offense by of course I don't! My mom separated herself from the family after her third divorce. It seemed like the hugging and kissing and talking introductions went on forever until we finally sat down. Just then I had realized that the restaurant was empty besides our family. I guess we are just THAT loud. We sat down and ate and honestly the food was pretty good. We sang happy birthday to my great grandma and had a grand dessert. I thought we would be done after the desert but my family just started talking and talking and talking. Finally I snuck away from the table and sat at the bar. I look up to see a hot guy. "Um ID please" is the first thing he says " oh what I don't look over 21?" I said "you have an attitude. I like it it's hot. But I still am gonna need to see some ID" I pulled my ID out of my purse and showed him. He handed it back "I misjudged you Erika. You look younger than you are" "um thank you?" "No it's a compliment I guess I just thought since you were with your family you were like 16" "This is my first time at a bar. What do you suggest I order?" "What are you in the mood for? Strong or light?" "Whatever you like I'll probably like" I said. He then stared tossing around a bottle and doing all these cool bartender tricks. "Impressive" I said. "Thanks. I've been doing this awhile though" all of a sudden I heard someone call me "Erika!!! Let's go!" "I think you have to go" he laughed "yea." I took a pen out of of my purse and wrote my number on his arm. I started walking away. "I'm Jake by the way" "Ok. Text me when you get off shift Jake" and I joined the rest of my family.

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