Part 2

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I've been wanting to go see Jake all day but I could never get around to it. First my mom made me go shopping with her then my stepdad wanted to me clean the house. I got tired after that so I took a nap and now somehow it's 10 o'clock. I get dressed and decide to go see Jake. I have no idea if he's gonna be there or not but I'll just have to see. I get there and no on is there except a handsome man standing behind a bar. "Hey" I say he looks up, he has this surprising look on his face "hi! I didn't think you would ever come back" "why not" I say as I sit at the bar. "I enjoyed flirting with you yesterday Erika, and in my life experiences so far things I enjoy tend not to enjoy me" he said "oh well that's sad but I'm here to stay" I said "So before I can leave I gotta inventory so maybe you should go" he said "can I help? I really have nothing better to do" I offered "yea sure" he said so I jumped over the bar and landed vey embarrassingly on my ass. "How graceful" he said and we both laughed. We did the inventory together. We got to know each-other a little bit too. Like his favorite color is red, he has an older brother, and he has never dated a girl. Which really surprised me because he's so hot. We finished inventory and he told me to go home. I grabbed my purse and as I walked out he grabbed my wrist "Erika I had fun with you and I wanted to make sure you know" he said I smiled "this Saturday I was wondering if you wanted to do something?" I said "I will try and fit it in my schedule but I think that will be awesome" "meet me in the parking lot here at ten AM and being a bathing suit" I walked out after I said that.

                                    Jake's POV
After Erika left I closed up and left. I got home a little earlier than usual and I open the door to kisses from my little princess. "Hey princess why are you still up?" I said and picked her up. "Logan why is he up?" I screamed at my brother. "Uh she couldn't sleep until she said goodnight to you so I let her stay up" Logan said. I put her to bed and told her a goodnight story and then I went to talk to Logan. "So how was work?" "It was good. I actually met a girl." I said " know neither one of us have time for distractions like that." He said "I know but I was just thinking what it would be like for Broune to have a mother figure in her life. You know you could move out she could move in and we could do-parent" I said "bro don't get ahead of yourself you just met this girl" he said "actually speaking of her we have a date next Saturday so I'm gonna need you to watch her." I said "I got you fam, just go to bed you should be tired" Logan said. So I went to bed but I couldn't stop thinking about Erika.

The kid (Jerika)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя