Chapter 10

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Barnabas sight:

As I thump her neck up, she throws me against the front door so it flies open and I fly on the marble floor.

Angelique comes to me in the house. We are facing each other.

"You should have loved me, I gave you my heart!" She yells at me. This disgusting witch!

"You have no heart!" I scream back. I hate Angelique more than I hate the sunlight!

"You're damned Barnabas, first your Josette, then Victoria runs away and now your beloved Julia!"

"I command you to release her from your curse." I said and hope that Angelique finally does what she's told.

"Command ?, you're making me sick!" Suddenly she spits me with a green liquid that came out of her mouth.

"Miss me." For the first time I'm avoiding, but the second time she catches me. How dare she?! "You hideous serpent go to the gates of hell!" I grab her by the throat and throw her up the ceiling and she lands in another room.

It was a short silence. But only briefly. Because then this blonde bitch comes down again and stands right in front of me. She is still smiling.

Now comes to Elizabeth, who is standing on the stairs with a gun. "Angelique! Get out of my house!" She shouts and shoot at Angelique, but that doesn't help, as this witch gets up again.

"Your house?" She asks her with a grin. Suddenly, all the statues came to life and attacked Elizabeth. When Angelique gets up again, I take the opportunity and beat her

"I worship you." She says ti me, after the first punch.

"Praised me." I correct it and beat her again.

"Adore you." She continues as she looks deep in the eyes.

"Despise me." I correct her again. Then she slaps me in the face and I staggered backwards. She ignites the fire from the fireplace and makes the flame grow big. I avoid the big flame, but to my horror, suddenly a statue, which lives holds me firmly, while Elizabeth struggles with other statues.

"Alright, if Collins blood builds this house then let us bathe it." Announces Angelique. On it comes blood from the pictures everywhere and the house starts to shake. I'm scared and worried, not because of myself, because of Julia. Where is she? For our rescue, Carolyn comes down through the hole from earlier. However, she no longer looks like Carolyn. She has more hair and yellow eyes. Now she stands directly in front of Angelique.

"Let us alone." She whispers to Angelique. When Elizabeth saw her daughter, she's  just as shocked as me.

"Carolyn, Carolyn, my God." Caroline turns to her mother. Meanwhile, I still have my thoughts with Julia. Where is she? Is she okay?

"I'm a werewolf okay, lets not make a big deal out of it. Woof." Explains Caroline before she jumps on Angelique and tries to fight her. However, only a few moments later, she is pushed by the witch to the end of the stairs and remains there unconscious. Elizabeth immediately goes down the stairs to see if Caroline is okay.

"What have you done to my daughter?"

"Well, Liz your perfect Collins family fantasy paint of substance so I sent the werewolf to bit Carolyn in the cradle." Angelique says with a grin. I wanted to attack her, but I'm being held. Meanwhile, David stands at the entrance and watches the whole thing happen. Angelique turns to him and walks towards him.

"Just like I make David no better than a bastard. When I sent his mummy to the ocean floor to have tea with the tuna-" I have such a hatred for this witch, but as she continues, I feel a hate that I never had before felt against any person.

"and as for you my love-" she turns to me and approaches me. I killed your mother and father. I cursed your family, Barnabas, they kept us apart they never understood we're the same, we were meant to be." She holds on to the statue that holds on to me and looks deep into my eyes, if I could, then I would instantly strangle this woman, whether she died or not.

"Leave him alone." Now I hear David, who interrupts the moment between me and Angelique. She turns away from me and turns to David.

"I think I'll kill you first, Orphan." Says Angelique and approaches David.

"David get out!" Elizabeth yells from the stairs with Caroline in her arms.

"I'm warning you, this is your last opportunity and let's go." Warns then David and stares at Angelique.

"And what will you do if I don't you bastard?" Ask her and seemed sure of her victory.

"Not me, but my mom." Are David's last words to Angelique, before a blue ghost, David's mother appeared and Angelique flings up to the chandelier and this falls down on it. The statue that holds me up all the time became lifeless again and we all look at each other for a moment. Then the house starts to collapse and Elizabeth quickly walks out of the house with David and Caroline in her arms. I walk slowly again to Angelique, which is located next to the chandelier.

"So this is how it ends? So quiet as if you were asleep. You know there was a time that I might have loved you We could have spenteternity together." I say, as I look at the almost lifeless figure of the witch who once cursed me. She opens her eyes again to answer me.

"We still can."

"You never wanted my love you wanted to possess me." I say cold.

"No. I love you, Barnabas." She says, but I know that this isn't correct.

"You can not love, Angelique, that's your curse." I explain to her. Then she takes her heart out of her body and wants to hand it over to me.

"Take it." She whispers and looks at me hopefully, but I don't take it and Angelique died shortly thereafter.
It was over.

However, now the question arises, where is Julia? Where is she? Am I late? I'm running into her room and then into her office, but she is nowhere to be found. "Julia? Julia!" As I desperately go out of the house, I ask if David knows something and to my first relief he knows something.

"She set for that hill." He says and my heart skips a beat. I am in a hurry. Please don't let me be late.

~to be continued~

First I'm sorry that I didn't update for a long time. But I never found the motivation to write this Chapter and btw school was really stressful. So I hope, that there will be even one person who's reading this Chapter. 

If there's a person,  then Hi. I'll continue to write this Story❤

Light and Darkness⭐Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant