Chapter 15

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3rd person view

A person in disguise was following Julia and Barnabas up close and they just noticed it. As they walked around a corner Barnabas stopped walking and turned around to surprise the person who was following them. He pushed the person against a wall and the hat which covered the person's face fell down to the ground. It was a middle aged man with dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. Meanwhile Julia stood a few meters away and watched what was happening.

"Who are you and why are you following us?" Barnabas said in an angry voice while looking into that man's eyes.

"Steven?" Suddenly Barnabas turned around to his beloved Julia who stood there and looked at the man.

"Hey Jules." The Man who was still held against the Wall by Barnabas was now speaking and smiling while looking at Julia. "You know that man?" Barnabas asked now slightly confused, letting the man down slowly. Meanwhile Julia was ignoring Barnabas' question and just smiled while looking at the man called Steven.

"What are you doing here? I haven't heard from you since Melbourne, back then."

"Oh yes I still remember as it was yesterday and I recently quit my job and thought I'd give traveling a chance and as I came into this town I remember you saying you'd work here so I started to search for you." After his explanation he smiled at Julia and she smiled back, meanwhile Barnabas looked more confused by every word they were exchanging.

"Excuse me, but I have no idea what's going on." He interrupted them and hoped now for an explanation.

"Yeah well that's Steven, we know each other from college and have been friends since then and-" Julia explained now but got interrupted.

"Just Friends? You're underwhelming the story a little bit Jules." Steven said and gave Julia a small smile.

"Yeah right..." Julia kept going and ignored that little hint from Steven. "But we haven't seen each other in 3 years, as far as i can remember." It went silent for a moment. "I haven't introduced Barnabas to you yet... my bad so that's-" but Julia got interrupted by Barnabas.

"I'm Barnabas Collins. Julia's CURRENT Boyfriend." Barnabas reached out his hand meanwhile he pronounced the word "current" as if it was very importantly. Steven took Barnabas' Hand "I'm Steven Thomas."

"Maybe we could meet up for a coffee or something within the next few days." Julia then said with a smile meanwhile Barnabas looked shocked at her for a second.

"Sure, I'm gonna give you the number of my motel and you can give me a date and time. I've got to go now, picking up some groceries at the supermarket." Steven gave Julia the number and started to walk away.

"Alright I will call then. Bye." Steven waved until he was out of sight and left the street.

"That was a fun yet unexpected meeting." Julia then said as soon as they were alone with a little smile. She felt so good after the meeting since Steven was always by her side in college and he mostly was the only person for a long time who actually cared about her. Meeting him now was such a coincidence.

"Yeah sure." Barnabas just said. He didn't like that dude very much but he couldn't even say why. He just got bad vibes from him and actually wanted to keep Julia away from him.

"What is it?" Julia asked now a bit worried since he sounded like he held back his thoughts.

"Nothing. Let's go back to the hotel, it's getting cold." Barnabas then brushed her question off and they both went back in silence.

The next morning Julia woke up with a strange feeling. She didn't know what it was but there was something wrong. She hasn't had this kind of feeling since Angelique was threatening her and Barnabas a while ago.

But she brushed this feeling off and started to get ready for the day, since she wanted to call Steven today so they could meet up. After doing her Makeup she had to decide what to wear and chose a yellow dress with flowers on it. As she was wearing the dress she looked into the mirror critically at her little growing bump. It wasn't actually showing, only if you actually paid attention to it, but it was still bothering her a bit.

Suddenly Julia heard a knock on the door and so she stopped paying attention to her reflection in the mirror and went to open the door just to see Barnabas.

"Hey Julia," as soon as Barnabas was looking at Julia his breath stopped. "Wow you're looking absolutely stunning today, if I may say so." Julia blushed after hearing his compliment. "Thank you, did you want anything?"

"Yeah I wanted to ask you, if you'd like to join me today and meet the architect who's going to build up our new home." He said with a slight smile on his face. Since he's going to live there with Julia and their children, he wanted to include Julia as much in the process of building their home as he could. Also he wanted to spend more time with her.

"Actually Barnabas..." Julia said then with guilt on her face. "I wanted to meet Steven today and talk to him properly."

"Oh OK..." Barnabas then said clearly disappointed.

"But you can go with Elizabeth, I bet she'd love to plan the construction of our new house." Julia definitely didn't want Barnabas to he sad, but he just shrugged after her suggesting and left with saying "Yes, I guess."

After this littel interaction Julia got to the cellphone in the lobby and called the number which Steven gave her yesterday. At first there was a receptionist on the other line and after Julia said with who she wanted to talk to, the receptionist connected her to Steven.

"Steven Thomas, Hello?" A male voice answered the phone.

"Hey Steven, it's me Julia. I wanted to ask if you have time today to meet up." Julia then said waiting for an answer.

"Hey Julia, nice that you're calling me. Of course I have time today, just give me a time a place and I'm on my way." After agreeing on a time and place, which was a small coffeehouse in Collinwood, they hang up and soon went to the meeting.

Julia went down the street to the Coffeehouse and entered it. She started to search for Steven and saw him in a corner sitting and waiting for her. She immediately walked up to him and as soon as he noticed her, he stood up to greet Julia with a hug. Julia smiled and hugged him gladly. After that they sat down and started the conversation.

"So how's life?" Julia began to ask and started the conversation.

"What can I say? My girlfriend left me, I quit my job and now I'm here talking to you. So probably the best part about it is that I'm talking to you now." He said then with a slight smile.

"I'm sorry to hear that but see it positive, you wouldn't be here with me today if all those miserable things wouldn't have happened to you." Julia then said while Steven had to smile. "You're always seeing the positive in everything, that's what I always loved about you." He then said, taking Julia's hands, while she was surprised by the sudden contact.

"But enough about me, tell me about your life here-" their conversation got interrupted by the Barista, who was taking their orders. After the Barista left he continued talking. "Your life here was probably not boring."

"No it actually wasn't." And from that point on Julia began to tell him the whole story, why she was here, how Barnabas came into everyone's life suddenly and how her and Barnabas got together at the end. She only let out the little fact that she was currently pregnant with twins.

"Wow that's crazy what has happened to you, I must confess, your small town life is so much more exciting than my life in the city could ever be. You're an extraordinary woman Jules." Julia smiled after Stevens confession and sipped again at her hot chocolate which she ordered. Little did she notice that some hot chocolate got stuck above her upper lip.

"Wait you've got there some chocolate." Steven then said, took his napkin and leaned over the table to remove the chocolate from her lips. Their eyes met and they slowly moved forward until their lips met.

Hey yall it's been a minute since I updated it but hey, an update is better than no update at all.

Anyways I hope yall liked this chapter which I wrote right before having my finals (yeah I wrote this instead of actually studying) but hopefully yall enjoyed it and we'll see when I update again.

Love yall bye🫂❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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