Chapter 9

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Barnabas Sight:

It is dark. I see nothing. I just hear the engine chattering. Wherever this witch brings me, I'll find a way to save Julia. But why didn't she tell me that? Had I it known, I would never have gone to Angelique tonight.
She is expecting my baby and I'm lying here in the darkness and can't do anything.
Oh my God, I will be a father. But for that to happen, I'll have to stop Angelique to killing Julia, even though it's the last thing I'll do.
I feel like the car stops. I feel like the sarc is being lifted and moved to another location. There is a small blow when the sarc was rudely dropped off. The door opens and shows me a smiling toad, or rather a toad that looks like a human.
"Hello Barnabas, how was the ride?" I am only silent and do not answer.
"I would like to stay a little longer, but I have other things in mind, maybe you'll change your mind in the next 200 years." Then she took off her Slip and covered my mouth with them.
"Good night and good dreams." So this beast again closed the sarcophagus. I only hear how her steps remove. What should I do now? I am tied up here and don't even know where I am.
There must be a way to save Julia. If she dies, I could never forgive myself. She is the most important person in my life...
I think I love her. No. I know I love her. I love Julia Hoffam! I love her more than anything else. I can't lose her, I just can not do that. I have to come out here somehow. I shake myself slightly. But the chains that wrap around me do not move. The minutes pass. Every minute, Angelique moves closer to hurt Julia.
I have to protect her. I have to go to her here and now! Wait- There are steps to hear!
"Hello, I am here, is there anybody there, if yes, how much time has passed and in which year are we?" The sarc is opened and-
"It took exactly an hour and twenty minutes." David!
"Master David, I'm very glad to see you, how did you know about my imprisonment?"
"That's what my mom told me, I'm sure you think I'm crazy."
"Young man, I think nothing like that."
"Uncle Baranabs, why do you have lady underwear on your face?"
"That's not so important right now, where is our family, where is Julia?"
"I have no idea where Dr Hoffman is, but everyone else is probably home." Oh God Julia! I can not lose time.
"We must save her David, fast!" David runs away.
"Master David, I think you should first solve my chains." He comes back to me and frees me. Then we run as fast as we can to Collinspot.

We arrive with Willy. He is arriving in a car. Elizabeth and Carolyn are standing at the front door.
"Willy, what happened?" Elizabeth asks him immediately.
"Fire, Murder, Mad Mob, Away here!" Stutters Willy.
"David, go into the house." Liz commands him. David goes into the house. I follow him and hear quietly the police siren. I hear the policeman talking from inside.
"Miss, I'm sorry, but you have to go to the office, all of you."
"Bill, the Collins family founded this city with our boats and our nets, with our sacrifice and our blood, and so you thank us?" I hear Elizabeth talking.
"You give shelter to a murderer, arrest there." Angelique, this witch! I am stepping out now.
"I volunteer whatever the punishment awaits me, provided no harm happens to my family."
"Not one step further." The policeman orders me. I hypnotize him.
"And provided Miss Bouchard accompanies me." I walk over to Angelique.
"Maybe it would be best, we would both be destroyed." I take her by the throat now and push her throat harder and harder.
"Mr. Collins, no movement, I'm warning you." Now say the policeman who has pointed his gun at me.
There are three shots. These can not harm me. I press Angelique's throat harder.
"Good, mangle me, show them your true nature." She whispers to me.
"Our true nature." Then I bite her neck.

~to be Continued~

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