Chapter 13 "Twist and Turns"

Start from the beginning

"It was nice having you with us tonight!"

Luke, however joined in Michael. He looked tired yet his eyes sparked with joy. But there is still a tint of uneasiness. Maybe he's just nervous. After all, this is their first concert after their long break.

Calum started singing Amnesia and the crowd went to sing with him. Me on the other hand was focused on staring at the perfect face of Luke. The way his jaw moved as he smiles. The his shoulder straightens as he speak.

Then the realization hit me. The familiarity of his face from the very first time I've seen him on my laptop went back. Why do I feel like I've seen him already? Or am I just being paranoid? It's not everyday that you see your idol just few meters away from you. But I can't brush off this weird feeling. That's the time I could say my night started to  mess up. Throughout the show, I was not on the right mind. I didn't sang along to their songs anymore. I just completely stare there looking so dumb.

After singing 10 songs, Ashton hinted that they are now going to sing their last song. Ashton always gets to say the last speech. Maybe it's because he's way better with the words.

But Luke took over the mic.

When he told us that we will be the first to ever hear their new single, I felt like the world stopped turning. The time stopped and everything stopped. My feet tensed and even my breathing stopped.

I wasn't prepare for this. They must be kidding right? They couldn't just slam the song in our faces like that. This song is special for us. The fandom waited for it for so long.

My breathing just went back to normal when Luke continued to speak. He said he has a story to tell about this new song so I listened intently. I couldn't miss a single word he says.

As he continued, I felt a sudden pang in my gut. Wait, I know this story. I've heard it somewhere.

Then when he said it, the missing words that completed the puzzle that was brewing in my confused brain, the realization finally stabbed directly to my heart.

Wait, I know this song. These are my words. I wrote this song.

He met my eyes and I could also see the shock in his startlingly blue eyes. I tried to make a move forward but my feet wouldn't cooperate but then the lights dimmed out.

I am now at the door to the backstage. Should I go? I have a pass to the M&G. But it feels awkward. Wait, what if he doesn't remember me? Maybe he looked at me like that earlier cause I looked like shit which I'm currently sure at.

Thoughts kept on shuffling in my mind. I don't know what to do.

What should I do? I silently asked  myself but because I am stupid, it came out louder than I thought.

The girl on my side who was probably a staff smiled on me, "You are Thalia Grace right? The band is waiting for you at the backstage." She gestured her hand towards the door.

I found my feet making steps forward. Shit, I swear under my breath. There is no turning back now, Rine. This is your dream right. To see your idol and thank him for changing your life. But I never thought the idol that I will be thanking today is also the guy who introduced me to my idol who I was also planning to thank one day. Oh god, it just makes me more confused. Thinking about it makes me splitting headaches.

My life is just full of shit sometimes. I really hate twist and turns. It makes my life so messy and unpredictable.

I took a deep breath and hold the knob of the door, my hands shaking. I opened the door and immediately stopped when I spotted him. I guess he was also about to go out cause he held his hand where the knob was supposed to be but he quickly dropped his hand to his side when he saw me.

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