A Happy Ending

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After the Soulbound ended, the turtles brought the girls back to Manhattan in the Tartaruga truck. It was a long drive but definitely worth it.

It's like learning everything again. What's a house? What's that device you call a phone? Why do we work? A blanket and pillow? What are those?!

Hawk often thought about the memories she had with Leo when he was a wolf. Bringing him to the green valley, teaching him her ways, tying a knot to their souls, and becoming a couple in the end.

So did Kristen. She missed being a fierce black and white striped tiger with emerald eyes. Her thoughts go back when she woke up as her spirit animal and didn't know what to do from that point on. When she met Raph, her heart knew where to go.

Grizlentine forgot about the river she used to fish in as a mighty bear. She'll have to get used to using her thumbs again when it comes to hand fishing. Meeting Donatello changed her ways of bad attitude. She turned them around so she has room for more love.

Shantay can still climb trees even if she isn't the fastest cat on earth no more. The adventures she's had with the brothers and her friends made her see bravery in a whole new way. You can conquer anything if you just put your mind to it.

All eight souls are happy as can be in the Big Apple. And one day they hope to share their story with young children that need a little adventure.


Someone's POV...

About a year or two later the girls decided to move to New York with the mutants in the lair. I mean... They went through with them is incredible. All eight of them deserve each other and have lives to share.

"But what happened to Running River?" A young voice asked the one telling the story. It was about four years old.

The storyteller sat back in a chair and sighed. "Well... He lives on with his tribe in the afterlife. Of course, he will continue Soulbound to teach people a lesson and learn from their mistakes."

"And how do you know, Grandpa Splinter?" The small mutant turtle with blue eyes and looks of his father asked.

"I know dear one because my sons were in the Soulbound together many years ago. Your father, your uncles Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo were all in it. Your aunts too." Said the mutant rat in his rocking chair. He is the father of the leader himself.

Splinter, the father of four mutants told his sons' story to his grandson who enjoyed listening to his stories. So many stories that included his fearless son, Leo, his three brothers, and the girls who grew up with them.

Especially the stories that were true to the soul.

**The End**

Somewhere in Canada...

One mean looking mountain lion is asleep in a tree. Snoring away the small creatures.

A fluffy caribou rested by the river. He loved the sound of the water as he inhaled fresh air.

A brown bison kept his eyes closed while he pushed himself against a tree. He shook his big head to shoo the mosquitos away.

And a curious red fox is curled up in his den. His ears twitched whenever the forest bugs flew near his ears.

At the same time during the dark night... They wake up to see they are not in their proper bodies.




Thank you guys so much for reading!!! This has to be one of my favorite books I've made and I hope you enjoyed!!

There will be a quiz at the end so don't go away yet!

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