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"I'm going to Everett's." I told my Mom

She raised an eyebrow, "You two have been spending a lot of time together."

"We're recording some songs, what car should I take?" I asked my Mom

"I have to bring the twin's friends and them to the trampoline park at four so I need my car, so I guess you can take the Maybach or the G." My mom told me

I gave her a funny look, "The G? What car is Dad in?"

"Your uncle Luke is in town, he just got some sports car and they are out and about in it. Anyway, you need to get going. Is Holland upstairs?" My mom asked me

I nodded, "She said she wants to take this weekend to rest before homecoming and everything."

"Well, she needs to come down to go get shoes and jewelry, anyway tell Everett I said hi. Be safe, have fun, be home before ten." My mom said handing me the keys to my dad's G-wagon

"Bye, mom." I ended our conversation as I walked to the garage

I adjusted the seat and mirrors before I started my drive to Everett's house. We were recording the covers, but we were still debating if we wanted to upload them.

"Hey, Grier, Everett is upstairs." Mrs. Griffin informed me as she opened the door

I gave her a small smile, "Thank you."

"Hey stranger, long time no see." He joked as I reached his room

"I know! I haven't been here since yesterday." I smirked

He nodded, "Sounds about right, you ready to record?"

"Always." I answered as he set up the camera by the keyboard

"Which one are we doing first?" I asked putting my keys on his desk

"'Stay'." Everett answered my question

I noticed that his demask comforter was now gone and replaced with a navy one. The navy comforter tied in perfectly with his room, that had one navy and white striped wall and the others were navy.

"How'd you get here?" He asked as a plopped down on the chair in his room

"My Dad's car, he's with my uncle, so it just worked out." I answered

I noticed that he had on a black t-shirt and sweatpants, which meant he didn't have work today and he probably hasn't left the house.

"You wanna practice first?" He wondered

"Defintley." I answered as I stood up

I sat next to him by the keyboard as we began to sing.

We somehow got 'Stay' perfect on the first try, but for 'I Was Made For Loving You' we both forgot some words, started singing too late, but we made it work.

"Good job." I grinned as he took down the camera

"We're two big messes." Everett joked

There was a knock on the door and in came Mrs. Griffin.

"You two sound lovely, Grier, I wanted to know if you wanted to stay for dinner. We're having chicken alfredo." She spoke as she looked me in the eye

I glanced at Ev and then back at her, "Sure."

"Great, it should be ready in forty-five minutes or so." Mrs. Griffin informed us before she walked out, keeping a crack in the door

"What time is it?" I asked Everett

"Five on the dot." He responded

I was surprised, it felt like it was three just a few minutes ago.

"Fall fest is two weeks away, huh?" I realized as I watched Ev tap around on his computer

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