The portal

17 2 1

Paige's p.o.v.

We arrived to the park. As cars were in every imaginable spot. We weaved our way into the park and thousands of people were standing and gathering to the location of the portal .
This time of year everything was green and flowers were blooming everywhere . Most of the trees had white ropes of flowers.
It was rather noisy. Venders by the side walks trying to sell you anything . We pushed passed all the people making it to the like of people as we stood and walked . Just by the way these people were dressed you could tell they were too rich and snobby for what they are worth .
There was a large clock a few feet away as everyone was counting down to the clock
"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"
The park was silent. As we waited for anything to happen .
About five minutes passed and nothing happened as the clouds began to talk. People started getting furious.
"When will it open !!?"
"I want a refund!?"
"I traveled all the way here for this !!"
And many many other things were yelled at the coordinators on a panel. The crowd yells started getting louder and everyone was walking towards the coordinator panel as a man walked up talking into the microphone.
Amy whispered to us "let's just get out of here before it gets worse ."

Without hesitation we walked away from the crowd just walking to get away as we could barely hear the man speak with all the people yelling wanting their money back.

Tyler pulled out his phone and turned on the news watching as we were away from the crowd trying to get some where where there's no cars. No people . Just silence .
We stand by the bus station as Tyler puts his phone away
"I'll check in a little bit .. too see if anything happened " he said
"I can't believe it .. we should of known" i rubbed my forehead sighing . The bus pulling up as we got on going back to the work building.

It didn't take long to get back to work. We got off the bus paying our fair. We went to the parking lot where our cars are . Leaning against mine my friends gather around thinking of what to do next .
"You guys want to come to my place ? I have something to show you guys ." Hailee spoke.
"Sure but what is it ?" I questioned
" I'm not sure how to explain it .. It's just easier to show you guys ."
We could all hint the nervousness and anxiety or something she's hiding from us . I narrow my eyes a little .
"Sure . We'll all meet you there ."Tyler said .

We each got into our own cars and I sat there for a moment while my friends drove off to Hailees house. Something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention . My stone was turning orange . I grabbed it and picked it up holding it close as I watched the color swirling in the stone . Looking up and around me being a little paranoid. I threw the stone into my glove box and started up my car driving away.
It took a bit to get to Hailees house as she lived out of town .

I parked my car behind everyone else's and I got out of the car walking up to the door knocking before entering .
"Lock the door and come join up down stairs ." I heard one of the girls yell. As I do exactly what they ask me too before waking down staring with everyone .
They were by a door waiting for me as I jog over smiling slightly
"What's up H?" I say
"Okay keep an open mind okay .. this is my parents house and they won't be home till later this evening but this weekend when they went on the business trip I found this .. and normally they tell me never to open this door or go in .. but I did .. while they left .. and well here it goes ." She took in a deep breath before unlocking the door opening it as it was a white room with a silver metal ring against the far back wall.

I walk into the room along with everyone else . Our eyes wander as we take in the plain white walls .but my eyes are fascinated on the silver circle at how round it is with no bolts or anything but stuck to the wall .
"What is this?" I ask
"I'm pretty sure ... it's a portal.." Hailee said as all of our eyes snap towards her direction .
"A portal?" Amy had a little sass
"Let the girl speak" Tyler told Amy
" I never went through it but I was messing around ..and found this .."
"How do you turn it on ?" I asked as my curiosity got the better of me.
"Mm watch"

Hailee felt against the wall before pressing a part of the wall.
A small square of the wall pulled back and replaced the empty square with a box that had buttons and a want was attached to the wall right above the box .
"I'm not sure what any of this is ." Hailee mentioned as I walked closer examining it .
"My father mentioned one of these .. basically you have to enter today's date and when you want to come back . But the wand is to draw a portal if you need to leave before then."

The room was quiet . I turned around looking at my friends as they were shocked I even knew what this thing is.
I gulped trying to gather my hands being sweaty .
" the news mentioned the portal . And my father took me to his office and he explained to me every portal and all the risks and things that can happen .. since he works at the science laboratory he thought it was best to teach me .. I didn't know it was a thing ."
"And you never mentioned it !"
Tyler's voice grew louder at each word he spoke
"I... I kind of forgot about it .. I thought he was crazy but I guess not ."

We took a moment to calm down and think .
"Should we go in it ?" Amy asked
"What could happen ?" Hailee also asked
" we can go in it . And at any time something happens we can leave .. I'm not sure where we are going . But every portal leads to a particular spot for a reason ."

I say trying to be confident at I try to remember what my father said to me years ago
" I'm down to do it ." Tyler said getting excited
"Me too." Amy and Hailee said .
"Alrighty then." I say turning towards the box typing in today's date wanting to be back in 30 minutes as I grab the want placing it in a safe spot .

Stepping back the inside of the silver circle starts to appear a black orb not expanding past the silver ring . A white spiral shows up like the galaxy.
"Okay who goes first . I have to be lastsince I have the wand ."
"I'll go" Amy said as she was always the shy one . She stepped forward smiling at us before walking into the black orb. Disappearing in front of us .

Next was Tyler . Then was Hailee as I was left alone in the room. My confidence was completely gone . Taking my time to get the confidence to go through .
Tyler popped his head back into the Portal
"Paige . Are you coming?" I jerk up as I see him nodding
"Y..yeah of course ."
He held out his hand and I grabbed his hand taking a deep breath walking through the portal to the other side.

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