Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The long weekend zipped by and before I knew it I'm outside waiting for Alvin to pick me up for school. Finally after five solid minutes of waiting for him, I see his silver honda civic pullover. Opening the passenger door, he greets me with a smile.

"Good morning to you, too." I muttered almost skeptically. No one in their right mind would be this happy going back to school from the long weekend.

"Guess who got a girlfriend?" He shrieks victoriously, as the car starts to move.

"Not me, so, I guess, you did?" I snicker, not surprised with how it turned out considering how smitten Tricia and Alvin was during the weekend. Also, Tricia told me yesterday that she plans to finally make it official with Alvin.

A lot of things apparently had happened the night I slept over at Zane's cabin. Mainly, my friends were so panic-striken upon my sudden disappearance from the gala that they almost filed a missing person report on me. All night they tried to reach me, until finally, Carter informed them that I am safe and with Zane; that I needed space and was really miffed that of what they had collectively done.

Zane graciously dropped me off to the Farsinger estate with very little to say about what happened the night prior. I almost half-expected him to say 'it was a joke'but he never did retract his confession. Before I get off his car, he gives my hand a gentle squeeze and bid me fairwell. I'm glad that he didn't say I owe him more favours or some shit like that.

The moment I step into the mansion, everyone apologized for their callous group effort in which I made them promise not to ever, EVER, do it again. They never really asked if anything happened between Zane and I when we left the party, but I guess they didn't want to step out of their bounderies especially after just what happened. So when they didn't ask about it, I didn't say a word at all. Besides I think I would not even want to discuss it with anyone.

The rest of the weekend was spent by the pool then by the beach and a whole lot of barbeque, burgers and kebabs. By the end of it I was almost scared of getting cancer. All the while, I felt distracted with with Zane's proposition.

Until now it still remains etched in my head.

"Earth to Emily? We are here,"Al asks giving me a peculiar look as he gets off the car. I exit the car mildly perturbed that I've completely missed the entire school ride and the entire conversation with Alvin.

"See you in a bit," I tell Alvin and he waves me off, too busy texting.

Securing the bag over my shoulder, I head for my locker. I see Carter standing by my locker a look of confusion on his face. That's when I notice it-the white camellia wrapped in a decorative newspaper wrapper taped on my locker door. Carter finally looks up and notices me. He glances at me and on flower, giving me a quizzical look.

"It's definitely not me," Carter raises his hand. He seemed as as buffled as I am.

"It means 'you're adorable'," Leo chides from behind me making me jump. Of course he would know, he practically speaks the language of flowers from what I hear around. "But it isn't me either."

"An admirer?" Carter raises one eyebrow and smirks. I may have an inkling who it is afterall. I almost roll my eyes at how sickly sweet this is for Zane. He doesn't seem like the type that would do something this blatantly honest.

A soft giggle escapes my lips.

"Do you have any ideas?" Leo adds, pulling his damp blond hair into a bun.

"Nope," I casually deny, but the smile on my face tells them otherwise.

"Anyway, this weirdness aside..." Carter starts pushing his glasses up, "you slept over at Zane's cabin in Augustine? How did that go?"

Eleven Favours I Owe Him (Kismet-on hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon