Chapter 21

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Chapter 22

When I wake up from my slumber, we were sitting idle by a beautiful modern cabin home that its made out of light wood and have a huge windows from the side I can see. The cabin is surrounded by young pine trees. Glancing around there are similar looking cabins around separated expansive and neatly landscaped lawns. I knew we were by the lake just a few kilometres outside Augustine.

I don't know how long we have been sitting there in the driveway but when I look at Zane he was quietly leaning back, his silvery eyes lock with mine. I was taken aback, and mildly creeped out.

"Welcome back from the land of dreams," A small smile escapes his lips. His expression is soft, and slightly sleepy.

"Where are we?" I ask giving him a worried look, unable to share what would have qualified as romantic.

"My cabin, I'm assuming you don't want to see your friends tonight," Zane mutters straightening out, and stretching his neck.

Zane is right. I'm still way too annoyed to talk to any one of them. I know I'm just going to be angry and I didn't want to destroy our friendship because of one single mistake.

When I look at the clock it is just ten passed nine o'clock. I did some math in my head and realized that I had been asleep for the almost two hours.

"Oh my God, why didn't you wake me up." I shake my head in shame.

"I could not bring myself to wake you up when you are sleeping so soundly." He shrugs, evacuating the car. I follow his suit on cobblestone path as he makes his way to his home.

"You know I messaged someone and let them know that I'm with you, right? So think twice before you murder me." I bluff. Of course, no one knows I'm with Zane, I shut it off! Regardless, it is the best I could come up with.

He looks at me like I have a horn growing out of the top of my head. "I wouldn't have replied to Carter's worried text that I am with you, if I planned that." He rolls his eyes, showing the text message back and forth between Zane and Carter.

I find myself quietly giggling at the town of his voice and the way he sassily rolls his eyes. Comfort washes through me. But still I couldn't help but feel cautious.

"Welcome," he opens the door, turns on the light and motions me to come in.

The modern architecture of the small home. The furnishing is dark-burnt walnut is the best way I could describe it-against the white walls. It blends harmoniously to the point that it looks like one of those catalogue homes. My eyes widen in pure admiration.

"Breathe," he laughs haughtily. Zane walks me throughout the house. Zane shows me the small quaint bedroom that comes with a simple bathroom with small bath and shower and tells me this is where I will be spending the night.

I thanked him and excuse myself so I could clean up.

"I'll put your clothes outside the door. Don't worry, they haven't been worn," he mutters absentmindedly while tapping away on his phone.

"I appreciate it," I flash him a grateful smile before he exits.


The long hot shower definitely helps relieve the tension-and the tantamount hairspray from my hair-that I have been harbouring since we left the party. I let my muscles relax, and let the fears melt away, convincing myself that I'm safe right now. My stomach grumbles interrupting my thoughts as I dry my hair, and I realize that I hadn't eaten anything since lunch. Zane will hopefully have something in his fridge, I pray.

Eleven Favours I Owe Him (Kismet-on hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat