Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

The familiar impala pulls on the side of the road. And I didn't have to look inside to know that there is a handsome devil inside. There is a particular bounce on my heels as I make my way to see Zane Rivier.

"Good morning," I greet as I open the car door. Silvery orbs meet my gaze and he smiles.  He is wearing a leather jacket over his dark blue sweater, paired with dark denims and solid black vans. No matter what clothes he wears suits him. He could probably make rugs look in style.

"Good morning, Princess," Zane replies, leaning in and brushing his lips on my cheek. His lips, and the sweet smell of  his aftershave  is enough to send shockwaves throughout my entire body-making my heart race, and painting my cheeks a slight tinge of pink. He hands me a yellow tulip. In the language of flowers it meant to say that you brighten up someone's day.

"Thank you," I blush even deeper. Claiming the tulip in my hand. "Do you have a flowershop or something?" I joke, while I put the tulip in between my notebook carefully. I've been collecting the flowers Zane has been giving me, putting them in a box. Call me sentimental but I am a scrapbooking type.

"I'm close to getting one," he throws back at me in humour. But I doubt that he could not afford one, not that he flaunts his money around.

For a moment we let the radio hum quietly filling the comfortable silence as we make our way to school.

"Do you have any plans later?" Zane asks finally shattering the early morning tranquility.

"Well, I'm working on the café until nine tonight. Why?" I ask, my curiousity evident.

He shifts uncomfortably for a second, a dissatisfied look on his face before replies, "I need help with writing my essay on Hamlet."

Hamlet revovled simply about revenge but instead of the story being completely straightforward with Hamlet trying to kill his uncle, it is made complexed by Hamlets irresolution, even further with the touch of supernatural, and the question of the main character's madness. The most interesting part for me at least was trying to decipher whether Hamlet was truly becoming insane, or it is a calculated risk to find out all the cards at play.

Hamlet is one of my favourites, and I had just written an essay on it a couple of weeks ago for the mid-terms exam.

"When is it due?"

"Tuesday morning," he replies sheepishly.

"Zane!" I exclaim lightly hitting his shoulder.

"I know, I messed up," he sighs in defeat. "I kept thinking about you the entire weekend," he reasons, shamelessly using me to get away with his fault. It makes me crack a smile but also roll my eyes.

"It will have to wait until I get home later," I relinquish my dissapointment and my feelings transitions to concern. It wasn't that long ago when he asked for my help in Algebra. Although I'm average I know enough to actually maybe help him. "How about algebra? How did your test go?"

"Easy," he revels, a haughty smile on his face.

"I thought you couldn't get passed deriving quadratic functions?" My confusion leaking in my voice.

"Emily, princess. You don't expect a business man not to know numbers right?" He says lightly. It hits me. Yes, he owns the drive-in he's probably have to know some complex accounting math in order to run it.

"You tricked me!" I throw my hands in the air dramatically in disbelief. To think that I actually brought my big-ass math book to teach him and almost got kidnapped really makes me boil.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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