With his great power, he created four human faces in the curtains of light. The animals felt it was almost time to change.

Leo put his arm on Raph's shoulder, he rests his on Donnie's and Don placed his on Mikey's. It made a chain. Since their souls are connected to the Soulbound creatures, they braced themselves for any kind of pain.

Running River screeched as a cue for the show to begin.

The gray wolf, white tiger, grizzly bear, and king cheetah felt their paws lift from the ground. Bodies tingly while gravity frees them to float high with Running River as he circled their animal figures. He was a proud eagle, and happy to see that these young females will see their families again.

From the ground, the turtles smiled, not taking eyes off this incredibly rare event. The light show continues.

The female animals glance at each other before Hawk spun in her place, her heading tilting back and going limp. Then Kri, Griz, and Shado. No pain.

Pieces of Aurora Borealis wrap around underneath the quads' ribs, tails, legs, and head, shaving the fur away. A human face is shaped up in the lights, showing off what they'll be turned into.

Hawk's back and front paws shrink, losing four pads on each paw. Transforming into five fingers and toes. Pointed ears losing sensitive hearing, muzzle shortening to a perfectly pointed human nose. Dark hair sprouts from her head, waving in the wind.

Kri lost all her stripes and emerald eyes. White paws and claws are replaced with light-skinned hands, feet, legs, and arms. There is no long tail attached to her spine, no whiskers either. Long brown hair, gorgeous eyes, and one pretty face. The tiger is gone.

Griz's dinner plate sized paws lost shape. Her blubbery body slimmed out into a thinner one. The only hair left on her body is a grown out pixie cut and blurry vision. She let out a last-second roar before her body became its true self.

Shado smiled in her head, opening her eyes to find her famous spotted coat smoothed out to human skin. Her speed of a cheetah is put on the shelf and now able to use normal human speed. Her black hair reached below the shoulder blades on her back. Her lips barely grinned at the change.

Slowly, the girls were lowered down to earth draped in animal skins to block out their bodies. The great spirits of the Northern Lights continue to run and celebrate the achievement the girls' have done.

They've learned the lessons they needed.

Running River appreciated the mutant turtles' loyalty and the great honor to help. He awarded them with markings on their skin. Spiritual tattoos on the left shoulder.

Leo got a wolf paw print, Raph is given the tiger print, Donnie received a bear's five-toed paw, and Mikey smiled at the cheetah print.

The eagle screeched out a final goodbye, cleaning up animal spirits in the sky. The Aurora Borealis brightened one last time until it dimmed and shot up into the sky.

When the light cleared, a bolt of lightning strikes to let the valley consume fresh rain.

The brothers look up at the sky, still surprised at the transformation. They look ahead to the girls laying still on the cold, wet mountain rocks. The four of them rush over.

Leo came to Hawk, touching her real human hand and asking her if she was okay. "Hawk. Speak to me. Are you okay?"

The girl put her eyes on him, smiling the most beautiful smile. "Leo?"

He hugged her right away when she said his name. Hawk was alright and so are the others.

Kri and Griz put their hands in front of their faces, laughing at the humanoid thumbs they got back. Shado felt her dark hair on top of her head, squealing and seeing Mikey is geeking out himself.

"Oh, look at us!" Kristen giggled still touching her bare shoulders and flat face. "We're... Human again."

Griz licked her lips. Not a muzzle, a pair of pink lips! Her small hands are not paws of fury anymore and she is thankful for it. "Oh my gosh. We can talk and speak real words! I can pick up rocks and--and--"

"And we can... Hold their hands and hug the brothers properly." Said Hawk. She kept the deerskin wrapped around her body and embraced the leader in her arms. Kristen, Grizlentine, and Shantay felt what it was like to hug someone with the same body figure after a year. It was so new.

Even getting up on two legs was new for them.

Raph nuzzled his turtle nose to Kristen's forehead and pulls away to look at Leo. "So... What do we do now?"

Leonardo looks at the human girls and his little brothers. He had one idea in mind. "Let's bring the girls home and invite their families. These brave girls deserve a long nap after all this."

"I agree." Said Shantay. Mikey chuckled and hugged her closer.

"Yeah, let's go home."


This isn't the end...Standby


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