Chapter 2

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I glanced at my schedule as I stood in front of the huge school with Skyler next to me. I was in awe of this HUGE building, huge as in bigger than my public middle school multiplied 4 times the size. It was colossal compared to my small town buildings. It went up higher than I expected and seemed to be taunting me with its heights ha ha good luck getting through class when your scared of heights and the room walls are covered in windows.

Great. Sky (hence her name) didnt seem to care about the heights, but gave me a apologetic look.

This school is bigger than ANY building I ever saw in the country She said in awe.

Bigger than any suburban house too I started to walk to the front gate, Sky following me and opened the door, half wanting to run for the hills and half wanting to explore. Glancing at my schuele I made a mental note of my classes.

Period 1- Elemental study

Period 2- Creature study

Period 3- Literature

Period 4--Mathematics 3 (my advanced math class)


Period 5-Hybrid study (Hybrids only, to learn about inner animals)

Period 6- Physical Education

And that was it, these classes were longer than my middle school ones and ALOT more formal Im guessing. Glancing at Skys schuele I saw that we had periods 1,3, and of course 5.

..... I can barely do fuckin algebra the fuck up with this Mathematics? Sky said annoyed as we wandered around looking for Elemental Study.

Cant believe they didnt give up maps or anything, Im going to need a fuckin GPS for this school I said walking past classroom after classroom with Sky.

There were a few others walking around and of course I got my fair share of stuff I could have lived without knowing. Cant find stupid class damn my crotch itches SEE WHAT I HEAR AND HAVE TO DEAL WITH like TMI bro, dont think of that shit! The halls had stone walls and shiny floors, heck it was like a castle.

A teacher walked towards us, she was sort of short and had a pointed nose. I tried my best not to hear HER thoughts but I got a couple things in. One caught my attention great, Karen lost the maps so now I got to help all these stupid kids I heard stuff like this all the time when I tuned in on peoples thoughts. May I help you to your class ladies? she said formally. Pfff what a two-faced bitch.

Yeah, umm where is Elemental Study? I asked

I dont even know if Im on Earth still said Sky slumping slightly as the teacher smirked and pointed to the classroom that I was about 1 ½ feet away from.

Sky chuckled and I facepalmed as we went into the classroom. I sat in a desk in the back along with Sky and saw all the other freshmen, most looked sort of like they expected this, but a couple looked like they just wandered in here and were as confused as I was. I wasnt hearing much so I was glad I could finally focus.

The teacher wore and dark green cloak and had and black scruffy bread, he was tall but scrawny with brown gentle eyes and a couple wrinkles coming in, guessing he was about 40 to 45. He spoke in a low, sort of scratchy voice.

Welcome students, to Elemental study. I will be your instructor for the semester. Here in this class you will learn about all 6 elements along with basic spells.

NOW I was intrigued, I knew a little about my element and a tiny bit about spells, but this kinda stuff is what I liked to learn about.

A couple kids were staring at me and Sky because, well we had animal ears for Gods sake. Sky didnt seem to care, but of course her mind told otherwise.

Take a picture, it will last longer I said to a blonde boy staring at my ears and to the guy next to him staring at Skys tail.

That shut them up and everyone looked to the teacher.

My name is Professor Northington, our first unit will be on each Element. We shall start with learning about the Lightning element, anyone here a lightning element? he asked.

I raised my hand and so did 2 other kids, there were only like 20 kids in the class.

Professor Northington gave me a slight smile and said Ms. Charlotte Hunter, care to come to the front of the class? bewildered on how he new my name without asking for it, I walked nervously to the front.

I want you to show your element, if you havent before you just- before he could finish I allowed purple electricity to leave my fingers and dance around me. I was careful not to zap anyone and felt my eyes widen as power surrounded me. I decided to have a little fun and made a wolf shape with my lightning, it prowled on all fours snarling then jumped and twirled. I enjoyed the awww and ooo's that my classmates gave me. My element had always came easily to me.

Excellent! he said, as if I had done a hard task. I could sense a little surprise from him that gave me a since of pride. I shook it off though, remembering Dad would have never been impressed by showing off.

I sort of nervously squirmed and tapped my foot, my ADHD acting up once again.

You may return to your seat Ms. Hunter he said, sort of looking at me with interest. I heard one word from his brain potential.

I nodded and walked back to my seat a few people still awed by my lightning performance. Most were praising me, but a certain brunette with noticeable makeup muttered show-off. Meh, cant help if Im better than them. I allowed myself to smirk a bit as Skyler nudged me a bit.

Nice one Char she said, using the nickname that I wasnt very fond of.

Professor Northington began to speak now, as many of you know each persons element can be different colors to represent different things, most common colors for lightning are yellow, red, white, and orange. glancing at me smiling but there are of course others, purple lightning represents creativity, loyalty, and many other characteristics. He walked around the room, sort of glancing at the kids, now, time for the rules. You can only use your elements when I direct it. No gum under the desks and use common sense. Honestly youd think I wouldnt have to say that one. You may pack your stuff

The bell rang and as I packed up for the next class Skyler whispered looks like your already a teachers pet

I smirked slighting as we went our separate ways to find our second periods, mine being Creature Study.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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