Chapter 1

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I woke up from my dream of that day, the very thing that started me being a disappointment to everyone, powerful yes, loved. Not so much.

I sprung out of bed quickly remembering today was the today. I threw my alarm clock across the room and grabbed my phone glancing at my forest scenery phone case. I wasnt sure if I was more excited or nervous, perhaps some combo of the two. I tried to shake my mattered, shoulder length black hair, into place. If anything I just made it worse. Downside of lightning power, static.

Today was going to be my first day at Oaks Academy, a school for people like me. Different people, many believe we are a danger, an abomination, but haters gonna hate.

Im what the others call a hybrid, supposedly very rare. Oaks allow elementals, nymphs, naiads, and hybrids. Elementals are common, they each wield one element, lightning, fire, water, earth, air, or metal. Nymphs and naiads are basically the same, nymphs are forest spirits and naiads water spirits. Both amazingly beautiful, male or female. And then there are hybrids, like me. They are part animal, and sometimes wield an element, such as myself. I am a wolf hybrid and I wield the lightning element.

I searched through the black hole I call my dresser and pulled out my new uniform. I have hated, loathed, despised any shape or form uniforms my whole life. It was a white button up shirt with a red and black plaid tie and a matching skirt with black leggings. The button up shirt had Oaks logo, an oak tree of course on the left side. Of course it happened to be right on my boob, oh well. I believe skirts ared an abomination, but with not much of a choice I slipped it on when I heard my brother call me.

Charlotte, get your ass down here! yelled Finn.

I made my way down the stairs getting a look of myself from the mirror on the wall, my separate colored eyes stared back, left one a scarlet red right one a golden yellow. I got a good look at myself, since 8th grade puberty hit me like a BOMB. I cant I looked too bad, I hated bringing attention to myself.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and gave my older brother an annoyed look, ever since dad and mom ditched out on us and then got themselves killed he takes care of me. Doesnt make him less annoying though,

Watch you want butt-munch I said sluching slightly. He was only 3 years older, so I gave him all the sass I wanted to. And as a 14 year old, sass came easy.

I just wanted to wish you luck at Oaks kiddo, shesh. You never were a morning person he said smirking slightly, his matching lime green eyes piercing me. His hair dirty blonde was spiked up in all different directions.

Finn was also a wolf hybrid, he wield the fire element tho. Skyler, my brother and I were just 3 out of the only 12 hybrids at the academy.

Look whos talking Mr. Star Wars pajamas I said returning the smirk looking at his clothes.

Hey first day is tomorrow for seniors, teachers have to show the newbies the ropes. So pajamas and Netflix it is. Hurry to the bus stop or youll be late. he said then stuffed a blueberry muffin down his throat.

Fine, later Finn I said grabbing a muffin myself and my black backpack with my Mountain Dew pin on it then walked out the door. I started making my way to the bus stop near the big twisted oak tree, Oak Academy was known for having an oak tree ochrid surrounded it, my favorite though was this one. It was almost as twisted as my mind, its branches going in different directions.

I ate my muffin as I lifted myself onto the branches and climbed near the top, playing with a small purple bolt I created, my jet black wolf ears and hair flowing in the breeze that hit and my tail drifting side to side.

Charlotte, there you are said Skyler as she scaled the tree and sat next to me, her short dark blue almost as mattered as mine.

Her left blue eye and right green eye looked at me curiously. Every cursed living thing usually had different colored eyes. She was an albino lion hybrid and she wields the fire element. Her fire was green in her right hand and her left had blue fire, my lightning being purple.

Hey Sky I said her nickname rolling off my tongue.

These uniforms suck she said sharing my disgust. She wasnt a fan of skirts either, she was wearing her blue hoodie with her uniform. Hopefully that was allowed, this school was pretty strict after all. Nothing but stuck up rich kids and well, rare species got in.

Obviously I said smirking could be worse though

Cant imagine how she said and chuckled a bit.

Whats up? You seem a little off. I said slightly worried, I had a weird sense for these things. Honestly it scared me a little sometimes. My curse I was born with, which is a one in a million. Curses are illegal to cast since they are so gruesome. Mine is that I could hear others thoughts and feel others feelings it was off and on.

I dont know, nervous for the first day I guess she said her ears going down a bit as her tail swayed along with mine. Her anxiety was getting the best of her. I heard her mind repeat over and over youre not going to survive this Academy.

Welcome to the club, good thing its just the first day I said as the black bus pulled up and the other kids at the stop piled in.

Come on Sky said jumping down me following her to the bus as we sat together, both too anxious to talk.

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