Chapter 1

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"Father please just listen!"Haniya pleaded.

" No! I don't want to hear another word about you and that thing!." Chief Hiamovi ordered.

" His name is Matthew and i love him father," Said Haniya .

"Not another word!" He yelled.

" Fine, you can turn me away, but will you do the same to your grandchild?" Haniya asked with a quiver in her voice.

His eyes widened with anger as he tightened his fists.

" You're pregnant by that thing?" He asked in disbelief.

" Yes! And I-"

" You disgust me." He said cutting her off. Her chest tightened. Her two older brothers Helushka and Enapay came into the large teepee they where in.

" How could you do something like this Haniya?" Enapay asked.

" An abomination is what that is." Helushka said pointing at her stomach.

" Don't you dare speak that way about my child!" She commanded.

" You don't actually believe I'll allow that thing to live do you?" Her father asked.

" Grab her!." He ordered. Both brothers took her by the arms.

" Father! Father please don't do this!." Teary eyed Haniya pleaded.

" Your no daughter of mine." He said turning his back to her before allowing a tear to run down his dismayed face. She let out a slight gasp as the tears ran down her smooth face.

" Take her!" He ordered.

" No! Stop don't let them do this father please!." Haniya screamed.

"We're doing this for you, that thing will kill you." Helushka said pulling her out of the teepee.

" No brothers please I beg you, this is your niece or nephew!" She yelled.

" You actually think we'll love that thing!" He yelled at her.

" I'm sorry, it'll be over quick little sister I promise." Enapay said trying to calm her.

" No!" She yelled and pulled away from them. She fazed and ran off into the woods.

" Haniya stop! Dammit, lets go!" Helushka yelled. Him and Enapay fazed and ran after her.

Haniya was faster than her brothers so she put quite a distance between them. By the time they caught up to her, she had jumped over a ridge were Matthew was waiting for her. They came to a halting stop, once they saw him they let out a loud growl. Haniya stopped and turned to them.

" Don't do this sister, don't break our bond for this creature." Enapay thought.

" I'll do what I have to, to protect my family." She replied. 

" We're your family!." Thought Helushka.

" Tell father I'm sorry,"

" Haniya!" Enapay pleaded.

" I love you." Haniya thought before turning away and running off into the woods with Matthew. Her brothers both let out a painful howl. Her link to them was now broken.

Crescent Moon: Aloura CullenWhere stories live. Discover now