Chapter 3

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"This way my love, we're almost there," Matthew said, leading Haniya down a muddy road towards a large wooden cottage with two lit oil lanterns as their only sign his friend was there.

"Are you sure about him, how do we know we can trust him?" Haniya ask clinging to Matthew's hand to avoid the pain in her side.

"Yes my love he's one of my oldest friends, more like a brother actually, he can be trusted." He say's then carefully moving a chunk of her long black hair from her face.

Before they can get to the door he's already at their side helping Matthew lead Haniya into his home.

"Who is she?" She ask as a mid size woman with grey hair opens the large wooden door letting them in.

"She's one of my nurses, and a good friend." The man says as he waves the nurse to get ready. When they get inside everything's already set up. There was equipment, hot water, and plenty of blankets.

"A-Are you sure-you know what your doing?" She ask panting and holding on to them both.

"Of course he does my love," Matthew says smiling "he's a doctor."

"I'll make sure your child gets here safely, you have my word." The doctor says as they both carefully place her on the table covered in sheets.

"AHHHH!!!!" Haniya screams out in pain as they hear a few of her bones break.

"Doctor she's burning up!" The nurse yells out to him as he's washing his hands.

"She's going into labor! Nurse start counting how far apart the contractions are!" The doctor dries off his hands, and quickly proceeds to the delivery. The nurse is beside her, gently rubbing a hot towel over her for head, and telling her to take deep breaths. Matthew held her hand tight while taking little peeks to see if the baby was crowning.

"Ok here we go! Get ready to push Haniya!" The doctor yells to her.

"AHHHH!" She yells out in excruciating pain.

"Almost Haniya, I can see the babies head!" says the doctor.

" Hold on my love, your almost there!" Matthew says as he stands next to the doctor watching as their child is born.

The room is filled with the sound of her agonizing delivery pain's. All of them telling her "almost, hang on, keep pushing", until finally the wait was over. Matthew's gaze is simply in awe, the doctor gently holds the new born baby girl in his arms as he adores her. He stands and hands the baby to Matthew.

"My love, please is she alright, she's not crying." Haniya say's weak and out of breath.

"S-She's perfect" is all he can say as he stared into her big beautiful golden brown eyes that matched her soft wavy hair.

"And what have you decided to name her?" The doctor asked as he smiles. Haniya holds out her arms for her baby, Matthew gently places their daughter in her arms as she says,
"Aloura, our daughters name, is Aloura."

Crescent Moon: Aloura CullenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora