Chapter 5

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We rode around for hours before we reached a small town in the south. It was late at night, so no one was really around to see us enter our new home. My mother gently carried me inside while my father quickly took the few things we did have, and placed them in the house.

"Its quiet and our house is a little far from town, so no one should really bother us, we'll be safe here." My father said as he places the last of our things by the stairs and closes the front door.

"This is our new home Aloura, here you are safe. Your father and I won't let anyone or anything hurt you." My mother says to me, staring into my eyes.

"Yes my daughter, we will protect you with our lives." My father says then kisses my head.

"I'm going to feed her, can you set up her room." My mother says as she sits down and breastfeeds me.

"Of course my love, I'll be done in a few minutes." My father dashes upstairs and I can hear him as he starts setting up my room.

"We n' de ya ho, We n' de ya ho,
We n' de ya, We n' de ya Ho ho ho ho,
He ya ho, He ya ho, Ya ya ya." Mother begins to sings to me in a beautiful voice.
"I am of the great spirit, it is so."

She continues to sing as she rocks me back and forth. Her warm milk and soothing voice gently put me to sleep.
"Ok I'm all done up here, you can bring-" my father says as he walks over to us. Even though I'm sleeping, it's like my ears are on full alert. My mother lifts me from her breast and stands to meet my father.

"I just wanna hold her, she can sleep in her room tomorrow. I can stare at her all night, I just want to be with her right now." My mother says. I can here a slight quiver in her voice as she softly rubs my head.

"And so you will my love, we'll sleep down here for tonight." My father says then quickly fixes a soft comforter for them to lay on. They sit next to each other and just watch me sleep.

"Listen to her little heartbeat, it's so beautiful. Can we do this Matthew, can we be good parents?" Mother asked father.

"We'll be great parents, she is our world and we'll protect her and show her how beautiful this world can truly be." Father says before kissing her. Later that night as she begins to fall asleep, father carefully takes me, and lays mother down.

"Hello my daughter, this is your dad. I'm gonna be right here whenever you need me, I'll always be right here don't ever forget that my sweet reason." He says then gently kisses my forehead and holds me to his chest.



"Aloura! Sweetheart breakfast is ready."

"Coming mom!" I say from upstairs then quickly flash to the kitchen.

"Good morning my dears." Father says as he quickly glides into the kitchen then kissing my forehead before kissing mom.

"I made your favorite Aloura, bannock biscuits with eggs and oatmeal." Mom says as she carries the stuffed plate of food over to me.

"Thanks mom, it looks delicious as usual. So dad today's the day, you said it remember, you said when I turned 10 you would teach me hunting. Well I look 10 and before you know it I'll be older, please dad it's bad enough I can't faze at least show me how to hunt." I say pleading to my him.

"I told you, you'll get to faze when your a little older honey don't worry."

"Mom you started fazing when you were my age, why can't I?" 

"A deals a deal, but I have to head to work now. When I get back you and me will go out to the woods and hunt." Dad says then he gets up kisses my mom and heads out.

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