With all of the courage in the world, Amari slowly made her way to the source of the howls. The young woman's eyes widened as she peered through the slightly ajar door. It looked like a tornado ripped through it. Newspaper, memory foam and white stuffing covered the floor. Mishka was obviously agitated.

"Um," Amari stopped herself when she made eye contact with the agitated beast. Mishka let out a whimper and continued to stack the shreddings on the floor.

"You. Uh. You ok?" Amari questioned. She inwardly slapped herself when realized she just talked to the dog. Mishka let out a loud bark which caused Amari to jump back.

"No. Hell no," Amari mumbled as she walked back to Viktor's room and grabbed her phone. She needed to call him.

'Give me your phone,' Viktor commanded as he kissed up her body. Amari wasted no time in grabbing her phone and handing it to the stoned man.

"I want you to call me," Viktor said as his kisses went higher.

"When you are sad."

He pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"When you are angry."

Another kiss on her forehead

"When you just want to be loved."

Finally, their lips made contact with a passionate kiss. He laced his fingers with hers and pinned her arms above her head and-

"Nope. Not now," Amari mumbled as she selected one of the two contacts in her phone. She waited impatiently as the phone started to vibrate.

"Hello?" Viktor said on the other line.


"What the- Amari?" Viktor questioned as another ear piercing howl filled the air.

"Something's wrong with your dog, Viktor. I went and checked on her and the whole room was completely destroyed," Amari explained trying to sound as calm as possible. She waited anxiously for a response as Mishka continued to whine loudly.

"Oh-... Oh crap!" Viktor cried.

Amari was ready to jump out of the nearest window. Mishka started to sound like she wanted to kill the nearest person. "What?"

"She's in labor!"

Amari sat completely frozen at his words. Millions of thoughts flew through her head. She didn't want to do this. She didn't want to go anywhere near Mishka. Amari prayed that Viktor would drop whatever he was doing so he could come home and tend to the soon to be mother.

"Amari? Please don't panic. I need you to listen to me. Are you there?" Viktor asked calmly. How could he be calm at a moment like this??

"Y-Yeah," She stammered. Another wimped escaped Mishka as she prepared herself.

"I'll be home in a bit. Stupid construction workers decided this was a good day to fix roads," Viktor grumbled. "For now I need you to go next door. The address is 622. You cannot miss it."

Amari thought those directions were a blessing. If it meant she would get farther from Mishka then hell yeah! She quickly slipped on her clothes and made her way out the door. Finding that address was currently her number 1 priority. She was still terrified of dogs but the whimpers and howls Mishka made cut Amari deep. She actually felt bad.

Amari didn't want her to suffer.

"Who is it?"A woman's voice shouted from behind the huge blue door.


Who was she? Amari didn't think this through at all.

"Uh. Victor's friend?"

"Oh. What you on my porch for?" The elderly woman's voice from behind the door.

"His uh, Viktor's dog. She's in labo-," Amari stopped herself mid-sentence when she heard the rattling of hundreds of locks behind the door. Almost instantly the elderly woman came charging out in nothing but a housecoat and house shoes.

"Come on child! We have to go!"

The old woman had Amari running around the house like a fool. Towels, water, and trash bags. These were the things Amari constantly ran back and forth for. She quickly stopped in her tracks when Miska released a short squeaky howl.

"There he is baby girl. Good job," The 76-year-old woman praised Mishka. Amari leaned against the doorway and watched as the old woman and Mishka cleaned the puppy.

"Was there only one?" Amari asked.

"Nope. There's more. She just needs to rest for now. She may need a few hours. Lord knows I did," The old woman explained as she scratched behind the new mother's ears.

Amari stared at the puppy with wide eyes. It was so... Adorable. Her fear of dogs was still imminent but she couldn't resist the bonding of the mother and son. She wanted to poke the little bundle of-

"Mishka! Amari! Mrs. Dean! Are you here? Somebody, please speak," Viktor called as he frantically dropped the groceries and ran down that hall.

"Come down here, Vik," Mrs. Dean called. "You have to meet one of your grandbabies."

Amari quickly stepped out of the way to let Viktor through. The large Russian man turned into a puddle of joy as he watched the newly born puppy nurse milk from his mother.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!" Viktor exclaimed like a little girl. "He's so cutttte! Mishka my baby! You have done it!" The Alaskan Malamute gave Viktor a small whimper before resting her head on a pile of shredded memory foam.

Amari's smile continued to grow as she watched the miniature family. It was the first time in a while since she'd smiled at something that wasn't violent. Viktor walked over to her and laced his fingers with hers and leaned in.

"I was stoned last night but I meant everything I said. I really like you and I hope this goes somewhere," He mumbled.

Amari suddenly felt extremely self-conscious. Viktor was attractive. She wasn't going to lie. She had a thing for beards. That explained her and Patrick. That was beside the point. Was she ready to be in another relationship? Was she stable enough? Maybe if she did start dating Viktor the stupid thoughts would go away. Maybe she would break her unhealthy habit of skipping every meal of the day. A man who genuinely cared for her could stop all the pain right?


Happy Mother's Day!

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