Kion and Aina

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Vitani's pov
We were running, not knowing where Kion was. I looked up. 'I don't think he's gonna roar again, Vitani.' Kopa said. 'I know, but look! There's Ono! ONO!' I yelled. The egret saw us, and flew down. 'Is Kion okay? We saw his roar!' I asked the bird. 'I'm afraid not... we walked into a group off lionesses, but one didn't fly away when he roared. Of course, we were amazed, and didn't notice she pounced on him. AND NOW HE HAS A HUGE CUT AT HIS NECK!!' He squealed. 'Alright, let's move!' Kopa replied. Ono flew ahead off us, leading us to the unconscious Kion.

When we arrived, I grabbed one off Kion's paws, and so did the guard. We lifted him up, so Kopa could carry him on his back. The lioness was fighting Fuli, so I jumped in to help, while Kopa left with Kion. 'Who are you and what are you doing in the pride lands?!' I asked her, ready to attack. 'I am Aina, and I'm from the savannah pride from the east of here. And we were here with Zira, who told us she was visiting family. We couldn't let her travel on her own!' She stated. 'Oh no, we've got a lot of explaining to do...' I sighed. 'We? Or you?' Fuli asked. 'The pride.' I grinned. 'Aina, could you follow me? Everything will be explained.' I added. 'I'm sorry, but why should I follow a lioness I don't even know?' She replied. 'Oh, yeah... I'm Vitani, future queen of the pride lands.' I blushed a bit at the thought. 'Oh, in that case, alright.' She followed me to pride rock.

Kopa's pov
I arrived at Rafiki's tree; 'Rafiki! I need your help with Kion!' I said, as I walked up the tree. 'I see...' he answered, as I gently let Kion slide of off my back. While Rafiki worked on Kion, I saw Zazu, dad's advisor. 'Zazu!' I yelled at him. He flew towards me. 'Oh Kopa! What are you doing at Rafiki's tree? Are you Alright?' He asked me, studying my body. 'I'm fine, can't say the same about Kion though...' I looked back at my little brother, still bleeding from the cut. 'Oh dear! I'll inform your parents! Wait! You're not with Vitani?' He raised an eyebrow, looking behind me like she was hiding there. 'Oh! She was with Fuli fighting the lioness that attacked Kion! I'll see if she's okay!' I ran off.

Vitani's pov
I was walking back with Aina, when Kopa came running towards us. 'Kopa! What are you doing here?!' I asked him. 'What is she doing here?' He replied. He was getting ready to attack, so I said; 'it's fine, Kopa. She's friendly.' He looked at me, and then back to her. 'She is?' He brought out. 'Yeah. Now, you go and clean yourself up. You're covered in blood.' I ordered. He looked at his fur, and ran off. I shook my head; 'sometimes... he's an idiot. Glad he's alive though.' 'Alive?' Aina asked me. 'Oh yeah, you'll learn about it later. I just don't want to tell you when we're alone, I have a hard time talking about it...' I looked down. 'Now, let's continue. We're almost there.' I walked on. 'Where are we actually going?' Aina asked me. 'We're headed to pride rock. It's that huge rock a bit further.' I answered. She opened her mouth, and I giggled.

We now arrived. I walked up the rocky steps, but Aina didn't follow. I looked back at her; 'What's wrong?' I asked her. 'Are you sure it's alright? I'm not familiar around here...' she stated. I nodded smiling, and she then smiled back and walked towards me. 'Vitani, who's that you're with?' Kovu walked out off the cave. 'Well bro, this is Aina, she was here with Zira.' I replied. Aina nodded. 'Now, let's speak with Simba, about if you can stay here.' I added. 'Simba?! Like THE Simba?' She widened her eyes. I nodded. We walked onwards. 'I'll go with you.' Kovu answered. He walked behind us. We walked towards Nala: 'hello Nala, have you seen Simba?' I asked her. 'Oh, I think he was on top of pride rock last time I saw him.' She answered. 'I'll go look.' Kovu answered, trotting off.

Kopa and Vitani: true love lastsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora