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I woke up, quite early. I noticed that Kopa had turner around, snoring loudly. I smiled, lifting my head, seeing that even Kiara was asleep. She was part of the morning hunting group, seeing Nala mostly got caught in her husband's grip, who she didn't want to wake. And Kiara loved hunting, so why not let her lead. I walked outside, staring at the morning sun. After a while, I heard someone; 'morning!' I turned around, and saw Kiara. 'Good morning!' I greeted her. 'What are you doing up so early?' She asked me. 'Oh, I just woke up, and couldn't sleep anymore. Maybe because Kopa was snoring loudly.' I giggled. 'Yeah, in MY ear.' We laughed. 'Why don't you go hunting with us? Kopa will keep snoring for a while...' she grinned. 'Yeah, sure! It's been a while...'

We had been walking for a while now. We were searching for a big meal, because most of the lions had a lot to do today. I was gonna have my first queen lessons, and Kopa his Kings'. Kiara and Kovu were gonna have a day off, and Kion had the guard of course. We were about to attack a wildebeest, when I saw a silhouette in the grass. 'Kiara! What's that at the other side of the herd?' I whispered to her. She splinted her eyes; 'it looks like a lion... but not from our pride... let's check it out.' She replied, and signed us to crouch towards the lioness. When Kiara tried to pounce on her, she ran away. I walked towards Kiara, helping her up. 'Are you okay?' I asked her. 'Yeah. You?' She replied. I looked towards the direction the lioness ran off to. 'I don't know... from what I saw, that lioness looks familiar...' I stated. 'We'll report this to my dad. But first, we need get breakfast.' She answered. She walked forward, but started limping. 'You're fine, you say?' I raised an eyebrow. She looked back at me. 'Yeah, just a little sore. I fell on it before I flipped.' She frowned while talking, showing she was stubborn. 'Well, I guess you then don't need help from two lionesses walking back. Then Malaika can go with you.' I grinned. She rolled her eyes; 'why are you just as stubborn as me? That isn't fun!' She smiled while talking. She then walked off with Malaika. We continued hunting, and successfully brought back a wildebeest.

'That's at least one less thing to work on with your queen lessons.' Nala stated, seeing us return with breakfast. I smiled. After we ate, I headed off with Nala. 'Are you nervous?' She asked me. 'A little...' I admitted. 'It's just such a big responsibility. And now it's not only the pride I could disappoint, it's the whole pride lands.' 'Don't worry. You'll make a great queen.' She comforted me. 'I'm not so sure...' I looked down. 'Well I am. And so is the rest of the pride, especially Kopa.' She stated. I looked up at her. 'You think so?' I asked her. 'Yeah. Otherwise he wouldn't have chosen you. The only thing he was worried about was you. He loves you, Vitani. And nothing will change that. I'm pretty sure even Simba sees it. And then you've really achieved something. The idiot literally stalked Kovu and Kiara once. Ugh, sometimes I wish I didn't marry him...' she smiled. 'I just hope he now gets less overprotective of Kiara, now Kopa is back. He always feared he'd lose her to.' She sighed, and I looked down: 'how will the animals accept me as their queen? I'm the reason that Kopa almost died...' 'Vitani, it isn't your fault-' I cut her off. 'Yes it is! If I didn't exist, this would have never happened.' I scared myself by the tone I used. How could I talk like that to the queen?! 'Vitani, if you see it like that, it's also my fault. If I didn't exist, neither would Kopa. You shouldn't blame yourself for that. Zira tried to kill him. You were friendly. There's nothing wrong with that! What I'm trying to say is; Zira is the reason. Not you.' She nuzzled me in a motherly way. 'Thank you, Nala. I needed that.' I thanked her. 'No problem-' she got cut off by Kiara. 'Mom! Vitani! That lioness we saw earlier, we think it might be Zira!' She ran up to us. 'WHAT?!' Nala and I yelled in sync. 'Oh no... this is gonna get tough...' I looked down. 'Don't worry, Vitani. You'll always have us as back-up!' Kiara comforted me, before we ran off to pride rock.

Kopa and Vitani: true love lastsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن