12- Happy (Late) Valentine's

Start from the beginning

"I suppose so. I know you've been feeling really run down recently and I also know that the last thing you would want to do is put heels and make up on, even though you definitely don't need them. So ..." I snake my arms around her waist, smiling as she takes the opportunity to loosely wrap her arms around my neck. "My parents are coming over in half an hour to take Layla for the evening and you are being treated to a homemade meal at restaurant de Salvatore." Her grin is so happy and wide that I can't help but smile with her. She tilts her head forward to touch my forehead with hers. "Really?"

I kiss her on the nose. "Really."

She sighs happily in my arms. "Thank you." I hoped, but also partly knew, that she would be happy about tonight's arrangements. Whilst she'll never openly admit it, she's been constantly feeling exhausted and fed up recently and I knew she wasn't completely on board with going all out for Valentine's Day, so I thought she might prefer a quiet night in, just the two of us.

Elena's POV

"Hey Giuseppe, come on in," I usher him inside.

"Hi Elena, how're you doing?" He greets me with a short hug.

"I'm good thank you, how are you? How's work treating you?"

"Yeah, not too bad thanks. Same as always."

"Ga, Ga, Ga." We bring our attention to Layla who, now she's recognised her granddad, is reaching for Giuseppe.

"Hello, Layla. Come to Grandpa!" He takes her into his arms with a smile and my heart melts a little bit more. I can't describe how precious seeing Layla with her grandparents is to me.

"Thank you so much for having her for the evening, it means a lot to us both."

"Sweetheart, please don't thank me, you're always welcome. We love looking after Layla. Plus, you deserve a night to yourselves, you work so hard." I smile at the welcoming nature of my father in-law. "We'll have fun, won't we Layla?" he coos, bouncing her up and down in his arms.

I smile at the two of them together. "Stefan's in the kitchen; I'll just go and get her things together." I usher him towards the kitchen where he can reconvene with his son whilst I go upstairs to quickly pack some essential things for Layla's evening getaway. She won't need much but I make sure to pack enough nappies, in case their supply has run dry, spare clothes, and her blanket. When I'm sure I have everything, I shoulder the bag before making my way downstairs, smiling at the sight that I'm met with. Layla's currently sat on the worktop, with Stefan's hands holding her in place, eating half a banana.

"Are you making yourself messy before you go to Grandma and Grandpa's house, Layla?" Stefan smiles and Layla looks up at the sound of my voice, a cheeky smile emerging on her face. I laugh and approach her. "And who's idea was it to give you such a messy food right before you go out?" I slyly turn to my husband with a mock-accusatory tone.

"You know I can never say no to her," he replies with a laugh. "What time do you want me to pick her up, dad?" He asks, taking Layla and her car seat into his arms.

"Whenever you want, son. It's a Friday night, enjoy yourselves for a while. We don't have work tomorrow so it can be as late as you want." We smile as we follow him out of the door and towards his car.

"Please give us a call if she gets too much and you want us to pick her up early." I say, shivering a little from the cold air. It's not that I think Layla will be a pain, I just don't want Giuseppe and Lilly being stressed because of us.

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