7- Girl or Boy?

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2 weeks later

Elena's POV

"Caroline, the scan isn't for another hour, we have time!" I laugh at my friend, who seems more stressed about us making our appointment than we are.
"I'm just trying to make sure you're on time, that's all." She brings her hands up mock-defensively and I can't help but smile.
"It won't take more than fifteen minutes to get there, don't worry." I take a sip of my tea before seeing Stefan and Klaus reenter the room, both laughing with each other.
"Now that you're both in the room, are you going to find out the gender?" I glance at Stefan, silently questioning whether we're planning on letting people know that we're going to find out the gender. He replies with silent encouragement to answer.
"Yes, we are." Cue the squeals and clapping from Caroline. She looks so excited you'd think it's her who's having a baby.
"That's so exciting! What are you betting it's going to be?"
"I think you'll have another girl," Klaus states.
"See, I'm not sure. I reckon a boy," Caroline counters with a smile.
"I think it's going to be a boy, mother's intuition," I smile smugly. 
"What about you, Stefan?"
"Boy," he replies. "Three against one." He laughs before turning his attention to Klaus, who looks as if he's trying to hold back a laugh.
"I can't wait to find out! Are you telling everyone when you know?"
"Yeah, we're telling everyone. My mum made us promise we'll tell her as soon as we know," I reply.
"She's such an enthusiastic grandmother, I love it."
"She is, she was like this with Layla too. She's been talking about being a grandmother practically since Stefan and I got together," I laugh.
Caroline laughs as well. "Oh, I remember that! Your dad used to go bright red whether she brought it up!" I grin at the memory, he used to always avoid talking about it and always used to stutter if he was confronted with the idea of Stefan and I getting married and having kids. To be fair, Stefan and I would react in the same way since firstly, we hadn't been dating for all that long before she started teasing us about it, and secondly, at that time we were too young to be thinking about kids and marriage.
"In his defence, I think all dads are like that with their daughters. Isn't that right, Stef?" I reply, turning towards my husband.
"Oh, absolutely. Layla isn't having a boyfriend until she's at least 40 minimum." I laugh out loud at my husband's protectiveness over our daughter, I've never thought he'd be anything different. He's such an amazing dad that it makes my heart melt. I think Caroline can tell what I'm thinking since she subtly winks in my direction, which I return with a knowing smile.

We spend another twenty or so minutes talking with Klaus and Caroline before deciding to head off so that we won't be late for the appointment, even if there is traffic. As soon as we get into the Maternity Unit in the hospital we check-in at reception before taking a seat and waiting for my name to be called. It's fair to say that I'm not hiding my excitement very well as I see Stefan suppress a laugh at my giddy expression. Although, he must be feeling the same way as he squeezes my hand in response to my excitement.
"Elena Salvatore." We immediately stand up at the sound of my name being called and follow her into the consultancy room, where we're then met with our midwife, Mary.
"Hey you two, have a seat." She greets us before we both sit down on the two chairs against the wall.
"So, you're well into your second trimester now. Have you noticed any changes to the first trimester?"
"I've definitely got more energy now than what I had in the first trimester, and I feel like my emotions are a little more under control."
"That's good, definitely normal for the transition from the first to the second trimester." She types something into the computer before turning to us. "Would you like to see your baby?"
Of course, we both nod at her question and make our way towards the bed. Once I'm on the bed and my top has been pulled up, she squeezes the gel onto my stomach and glides the wand over the gel.
"Okay, so here they are." We both smile at the beautiful baby on the screen and subconsciously my fingers entwine with Stefan's. We're both silently mesmerised by the sight of our second child.
"Are you planning on finding out the gender?" I break out of my trance to answer her question with a nod.
"Okay then, an exciting moment." She concentrates on the screen again, moving the wand to a new position on my stomach, I'm guessing to work out the gender.
"So... it would appear that you're having a baby girl!" My lips immediately curl into a smile before I turn to Stefan and equally see a smile on his lips. We're both drawn out of our moment as she begins to speak again.
"Oh wait, my apologies," she says. She concentrates again before moving the image."No, you're actually having a boy. The angle I was looking at him from was misleading." Wait, what?
"We're having a boy?" I question, the smile on my face growing even at the mere possibility.
"Yes, you're having a boy."
At that moment the tears begin to make their way down my face as I continue to admire our son. Our son. The words run through my head over and over again, like a roundabout. The most wonderful, enjoyable roundabout.
"Stefan," I say, barely a whisper. "We're having a boy." I gently cup his cheek with my free hand, catching the tears that are spilling from his eyes.
"We are," he replies. "I love him already, and I love you."
"We love you too." We share a small, light kiss before continuing to gaze and admire our son, our hands still tightly entwined together. 
"Okay, so I've documented the gender and I'll just print these out for you. Everything looks fine and healthy, he's growing and developing well and the kicks will start to get more prominent now."
When the pictures have been printed, she hands me a tissue so I can wipe the gel off my stomach, before handing me the ultrasound photos.
"So we'll do a check-up in the next few weeks but your next ultrasound will be at 26 weeks so we can document how well they're growing and make sure everything's healthy."
"Thank you," we reply as Stefan helps me off the table. I shoulder my bag as we both listen to the last bits of information she gives us.

After Our Love Prevails {Stelena} (2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang