2- Decisions

912 25 1

2 weeks later

Elena's POV

I wake up with a small groan at the fact that it's too early in the morning to even think about getting up, let alone actually getting up and spending a whole day at work. A week ago, Stefan and I spoke about the possibility of me going back to work part-time, and then going full-time again when Layla turns one, and we agreed that if I wanted to then that's what we were going to do. I arranged it all with work and started back just over a week ago. I've really enjoyed working again, I just haven't enjoyed the early mornings that come with the job.
"Well good morning to you too." He laughs behind me as I turn around to face him and his beautiful smile.
"I don't want to get up," I pout childishly before curling up to the side of his body. I sigh at the feeling of his soft hands running through my hair.
"Remind me again why I decided to go back to work," I say into his chest.
His chest rises and falls as he laughs. "Because you love your work," he says.
"Ugh, I suppose I do." I roll over before getting myself out of bed, all with Stefan's laughter in the background. Stefan changes into his clothes -he changes into his scrubs when he gets to work- as I change into my work clothes, which consists of trousers and a blouse. I pin my hair up in a loose, messy bun and put on a little bit of make-up, I may feel tired but I don't exactly want to look it.
When I'm completely happy with how I look, I make my way downstairs to be met by my husband and daughter in the kitchen. Stefan's pouring coffee with Layla in his arms, who's smiling and clapping her hands.
"Someone's very happy this morning," I note.
"She sure is," he laughs and smiles at Layla's excitement. I approach the two of them and take Layla into my own arms before taking her puree out of the fridge and heating it up in the microwave.
As soon as I've strapped Layla into her highchair and I've sat myself down, Stefan passes me a mug of tea, which I gratefully take before thanking him.
"I like your hair up," I hear, and feel, him say against my ear before feeling a kiss being placed on my neck. I blush and smile, Stefan's always been the type of husband to compliment me on anything and everything. Before I can reply, Layla starts whinging from the lack of attention she's currently getting, so I feed her a spoonful of her puree to suppress her whines.
Today is one of the rare mornings when we're not in a rush since Stefan's shift doesn't start until nine, like mine, and we both got up early enough to allow ourselves sufficient time to get everyone ready.
When all three of us had eaten breakfast and Stefan had gotten Layla dressed, I pack mine and Layla's bags for the day before getting them into the car. I'm taking Layla to my mum's for the day whilst I'm at work since we haven't found a baby sitter or daycare session for her yet, so for the time being my mum said she'd look after her if we're both at work. Since my mum works part-time she doesn't mind looking after Layla during the day but I, despite her willingness, do feel bad about simply dropping Layla on her so that I can work.

I watch Stefan strap Layla into her car seat before placing a kiss on her head and shutting the door behind him.
"Right, I'll see you tonight. I love you." He bends down to connect our lips in a small kiss.
"I love you too," I reply. I kiss him quickly again before we both get into our separate cars and drive in our different directions.
When I reach my mum's house I park in the driveway before quickly getting Layla and her bag out and approaching my mum, who is already stood there waiting for us.
"Hi darling," she smiles as she holds her arms out for Layla. I place her into her arms before greeting my mother and attempting to thank her again for looking after Layla.
"Oh will you stop! I've told you so many times before, you don't have to thank me for looking after Layla. I'm happy to do it."
I laugh slightly. "Okay, I'm sorry," I jokingly raise my hands in defence. "Thank you," I say before she can stop me.
She gives me a jokingly stern glare before kissing Layla's head, who responds by resting her head against my mum's cheek.
"Right, I better go. I love you Layla," I kiss her cheek. "Love you mum," I then kiss my mother's cheek before making my way back to the car.
"Say 'bye mummy!'" She waves Layla's hand for her before telling me to have a nice day.
"Bye! I'll be back at half six to pick her up," I tell her before getting into my car and igniting the engine. I smile as they both watch me until I turn the corner, out of their sight. I have a smile on my face even until I get into my office, which I share with Lexi.
"What's got you in such a good mood on this early morning?" She laughs before shuffling her papers on her desk.
"Oh nothing, I'm just happy." I smile before sitting down at my desk and turning the computer on.
"Yesterday was so boring without you," she groans. I laugh at her theatrical prowess and smile. "Yeah? That bad?"
"You have no idea! I have no idea how I got through you not being here for the last nine months. At least you're back now." I feel a stab of guilt when she's says this, since I'm not exactly back for good and I'll be going on maternity leave with a matter of seven months. I almost blurt out then and there that I'm pregnant, but luckily I stop myself in time. Being ten weeks, I am starting to show but not enough to make anyone question if I'm pregnant, and my bump is small enough to hide with the right use of clothing. I'm so lucky that it's autumn going into winter since nobody will find my clothing choices of jumpers and slightly baggier clothing suspicious. 
I guiltily nod and smile before bringing my attention to the countless amount of emails I've received within the last day. After taking in a breath, I open the top one and commence with the long list of articles, columns and projects that need to be organised, completed and sent to the corresponding departments.

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