11- Baby's 1st Birthday

Start from the beginning

She pouts, reminding me so much of Layla. "Stop teasing me, you know I'm hormonal."

Her glare soon stifles my laugh, so instead I decide on giving her what she wants and bring our lips together, feeling all logic and reality melt from my mind, and sink deep into our embrace. Her lips soften under my touch, and she pulls me in closer until there's no space between us. I am definitely liking these hormones. 

"Better?" I kiss her nose, resting my forehead against hers. She looks pensive for a moment, smiles slyly before stealing another kiss. "Much better, thank you."

"My pleasure." 

Elena's POV 

"Where's the birthday girl?" My mum says as she steps inside, presents in her arms. Jenna and Alaric trail in behind her, presents also in their arms. "There she is! In the arms of her daddy," she says as she approaches them. Stefan smiles as he passes her over to my mother's embrace after she places the presents on the coffee table with the variety of opened presents from us that we unwrapped with Layla this morning. It's safe to say that our living room has turned into a sea of toys from her birthday. 

"I know I saw you yesterday but I've missed you baby girl!" She hugs my daughter to her chest, her grin practically from ear to ear at hearing Layla's happy squeals. Stefan arm wraps around my waist as we both smile at our daughter, who's now giggling as her grandmother tickles her.
"Soon they'll be two of them for her to smother in kisses," Jenna says beside me. I was so entranced by the sight in front of me I almost didn't notice her next to me.

"I know," I smile, my hand subconsciously rising to touch my bump.

"How are you feeling about having two?" Alaric asks, his arm resting across Jenna's shoulder.

I ponder my answer, look up to Stefan, who's smile tells me his answer clearly. "Very excited. A little nervous, but excited."

"I wonder how Layla's going to react to her brother's arrival," Jenna wonders aloud.

"I definitely think it'll be a shock to her, but I'm sure she'll readjust soon enough," Stefan answers. I nod in agreement, although there is that small part of me that worries about Layla's reaction to her baby brother. What if she hates him? What if she feels left out? What if she thinks we're replacing her? So many questions and worries run through my head like a carousel, and I feel like I have to forcefully stop them from spinning and getting out of hand each time. I have shared these concerns with Stefan and, like the person he is, listened and completely understood my worries and concerns, as well as helped me to rationalise them. Trying to rationalise the thoughts myself has been hard, but I'm definitely getting there and making steady progress. Before I can say anything else, we hear the doorbell ring again. 

"I'll get it." I excuse myself before hurrying along to open the door for our next set of guests.

"Surprise!" I almost jump at the sight of Lexi and Brian, who told me they weren't going to make it since Brian's working a day shift today, or so he was meant to be.

"Hey! I'm so glad you could come!" We embrace in a hug before Brian explains how he moved his shift around, so instead of doing the day shift, he's on the nightshift tonight.

"Shouldn't you be resting for your nightshift?" I ask knowing, as the worrisome wife I am, I would make Stefan sleep the day before his nightshift.

"Nah, I'll be fine. I don't need a day to prepare, I'm not weak like some people. Oh and look who's here." I turn to see Stefan approaching, a smirk on his face.

"Heard that. Charming as always." They embrace in a hug as Lexi shuts the forgotten door behind her, just in time to stop Layla from making a great escape.

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