I'm glad you like it

"I also have a gift for you" you informed me while taking something from your bag.

"Tadaah" you blurt as you show me something

What is that

"It's a choker." You personally put the choker in me.

"Did you like it? When I saw this. I automatically think of you" you asked looking happy.

'Thanks' I said while feeling the necklace you gave me with my hands.

"He he" you laughed, a hint of pink colouring your cheeks. At that time the fading light of the sun fall on you. Emphasizing your bright eyes and gentle smile.

This past few days, your smile seemed much more brighter and much more sweeter.

You told me you met someone. Kind, sweet and gentle that's your description of him. You said you met him at your work, though he's older than you for a few years, you believe that he understand you very much. Your every likes and dislikes, he knew it all, and he always give his best effort to make you happy.

Seeing you smile very happily because of him, I don’t know what to feel. But because we're friends, and you said that friends always wish for the happiness of each other, I cannot do anything except quietly listen to you as you told me all about him, with your twinkling eyes and lovely smile.

Another day of our picnic, you told me something
"I became his lover" with a red face and beautiful smile. That is the first time I saw you with that kind of expression, I later know that it is the expression of a girl in love.
Starting that day, the number of our meeting dwindled.

I thought maybe its because of him.

But, its alright. Its enough that you still have time for me. That is the only consolation I have for myself.

But even that was gone, the little time you have for me. You stopped seeing me. I waited for you at the park for how many days but you never show up.

What happen to you? Are you okay? I don't know where to find you.

I remember the third day of our meeting, where I leave after you help me. Is this what you felt, to have someone disappear from you and you don't know where to find them.

I felt so weak, a weakness I've never felt even when I am close to death after a fight. This weakness is something I cannot control and it came from the fact that you are missing and I don’t know where you are.

So I did the only thing that I can, I waited for you. Hopping that you'll show up and will look at me with your usual smile.

And you never disappoint me, after a few weeks, I saw you again, but not in a way I imagined.

Your bright smile nowhere to be found, your once sparkling eyes are now dim and red from crying, your once smooth and white face is full of purple marks and wound.

What happened to you. Who hurt you?

Seeing you like that I became so mad, that I want to hurt the one who did this to you so badly.

It's him.

While crying silently, you relate to me all your experience with him.

You told me how he's so sweet and loving from the beginning of your relationship. How you believed that he's the best and perfect lover for you.

But as time goes by you started to take notice of his different behaviour, his eyes that sometimes look at you dangerously, his sometimes painful touch and his increasingly cold behaviour towards you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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