The Five Year Ceremony Arc: Royal Capital...........

Start from the beginning

They walked out of the room and went back to their room where Lilian was standing waiting for Allen, ready for an intense questioning. But after seeing the boys coming in together he just let out a sigh and let the matter go.


A few weeks after the incident, it was their fifth birthday which they celebrated with only family and nobody else. The Kelis family prepared a grand feast on the night of the occasion. Reind gifted the boys a sword each with a training gear set. Melinda gifted them a locket which had a gem stones was of similar colour as their eyes.

The locket was a special one because it was casted with magic which was able to tell Melinda about their location and healing magic which would activate whenever they faced a life threatening situation or were injured. Arnette and everyone too wished the boys and gave their gifts to them happily accepted as the day ended Arnette and Reind promised the boys to teach them sword fighting.

The next day both of them woke up early in the morning and went to Reind to ask him to start their training.

"Papa!! Let's train." said Allen enthusiastically. He tried to wake Reind up a few times but failed miserably. Finally giving up, they both shot a glance at each other and nodded in agreement. Allen climbed up the bed went near Reind and jumped on his stomach.

"Argh...." Reind woke up in pain, seeing the boys he got the idea of the origin of this pain. He picked up Allen and asked him what the deal was.

"You said you will teach us how to use a sword today." Ray climbed up the bed and sat beside Reind yawning.

"Ah~ then we will start training after breakfast but I'm happy to see your enthusiasm and determination." Reind said as he rubbed both boys' hair.

A few hours later after breakfast they finally started their training. The boys unsheathed their swords but we're abruptly stopped by Reind who gave them small wooden sword to avoid any harm.

He started with a demonstration of how to swing a sword followed by thrusts. He asked the boys to repeat this until he says to stop. Both the boys followed his instructions and practiced swings and thrusts for an hour after which they took a break and resumed with their practice.

After two weeks of practicing they got used to swings and thrusts and started sparring with each other. Sometimes Arnette came to oversee their practice and gave them useful advice to their progress.

After a month of practice they started to learn hand to hand combat along with swordsmanship. Reind and Arnette could not help but be surprised and proud at how fast they learned everything they taught them. As for the time they were training also they were spending their time reading books.

One day when they were training in the garden with Arnette they were interrupted by Melinda and Reind who came there to tell something to the boys. "Ray, Allen, we have something important to tell you both." Melinda said as she waved her hands to call the boys closer to her. "I want you to know that soon you both are going to be big brothers." Melinda touched her belly as she knelt down to match the boys' height and gave them a gentle smile.

Hearing what Melinda said Allen at first revealed a surprised and confused expression which after a few seconds turned into happy one. Ray too smiled at news. "Yes, so now that both of you are going to be big brothers you have to take of your little brother or sister and your mother." Said Reind as he too bent down to their level and rubbed their hair. Boys nodded 'yes' in a response with a smile.


It was now the month of June and the time for the five year ceremony. It was a special ceremony in which all the kids of the kingdom who had just reached the age of five years participated. It was held two times in a six months gap every year in the church where all the people, regardless of their status, went. This ceremony was the one in which a person's nature of magic was revealed and documented by the church. This also helped in tapping the young ones who showed promise. This year Ray and Allen are taking part in the ceremony too but because they were a part of the nobility they have to go the royal capital and take participation in the central church along with other nobility.

Thus, everybody in the household was busy getting ready for the departure to the capital while Ray and Allen were busy sparring with each other.

"Ray-sama, Allen-sama, it's time for departure please get ready." Lilian knocked on the door before entering. "Are you both sparring again?" asked Lilian. "We don't have time for another lecture; we have to get ready for departure."

Both of them quickly changed their clothes and went downstairs where Reind, Melinda and a few other maids and butlers were waiting for them. After that they immediately departed for the royal capital. It was a journey of four days with rest at night.


As they reached Selia the royal capital of Felicia's Kingdom they directly made their way to Kelis' family main house where they were welcomed by maids and butlers who bowed their heads in respect. Allen and Ray were asleep due to exhaustion and boredom and were carried to the room by Stella and Lilian.

Afterwards, he went to the study to report to Reind about some investigation he had asked to do. On the way he met a familiar looking silhouette of a man. Ah he approached him, he widened his eyes in surprise and said in a loud voice, "Your majesty, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be preparing for the five year ceremony?"

The man covered Lilian's mouth and whispered, "Don't shout, I came here incognito so nobody knows I'm here."
"But what about the preparation for the ceremony?"

"Suzanne will take care of it. Anyway, where is Reind? I have something important to talk to him."

Looking at his serious face Lilian immediately led him to Reind. "Reind-sama there is someone here who wants to talk to you. It's urgent." He said as he knocked the door.

"Come in." Answered Reind without looking up, deeply immersed in his documents.

Suddenly the door bursted open startling Reind. "Where are my godsons?" said the man in a loud voice.

"They are not your godsons. Now go back to the palace you are the king of this kingdom for god's sake. Do your work properly?" Reind stood up and went to the sofa near him and sat down crossing his legs and putting his hands on his knees.

'You are the last person who should be saying that you are always ready to abandon your work to spend some time with the boys.' thought Lilian inwardly, his expression calm.

"Why don't you want me to be their godfather? I'm the king of this kingdom."

"That's exactly why I don't want you to become their godfather. Just because I'm not active in the politics of this country doesn't mean I'm ignorant of the affairs of the royal capital. I don't want my sons being dragged in your family feuds. We are friends but it doesn't mean I'll let you use my sons for strengthening your favoured side." said Reind in a cold voice as he glared at the king with chilling eyes full of hostility.

"Ah~ you got me there." The king raised his hand in surrender. "But this was not the only reason I wanted to be their godfather, Reind, you know that the boys will always be in danger. If they have the title of princes it would be hard to move against them." He argued, his eyes full of concern.

Reind waved his hand, "don't worry they have the protection of someone far more powerful than you can imagine. If anything happens to them that guy would definitely move." He stood up and walked towards the door as he passed him and said, "I hope the princes and princesses are in good health. I have to take my leave now, please excuse my insolence your majesty." He bowed his head and left the room.

King let out a heavy sigh. 'Ah.....ah he is becoming more and more stubborn with his age. It's not fun anymore.' He thought in his heart and sat on the sofa as he massaged his temples and let a sigh again.

"Your majesty would you like some tea?"

He waved his hand 'No' as he stood up and asked Lilian to pass a message to Reind and left.

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