Blackjack may be your only win tonight king T'Challa. What I'm doing here or not doing here on the behalf of the United States' government is none of your concern. Whatever you are here to do just do me a favor and wait your turn for what I have to do tonight." He said to me.

I reaised my eyebrows shocked that he would ever be bold enoght to speak to me like that, I leaned in closer to him. "Make no mistake Ross, Klaue is leaving with me." I said, and he looked bothered and I smiled because I love making people uncofortable when they are being rude, he got up and he walked away.

From across the room I felt Ross staring at me I turned and looked at him codly and I looked back at him and he was spaking into a mic that muth have been in his sleeve.

"So the whole damn CIA, is here." I said and walked towards where Ross was at.

"I have heard." Nakia said and she sounded annoyed.

I walked into Ross blocking his path.

"Didn't we just do this your Highness?" he asked me.

"I am just prepared to bring Klaue down no matter what it takes." I said to the agent and he sighed.

"That makes two of us then, but if the catman suit makes another apperance.." He was talking about the dang accords that no onw cared about.

"If you cross me then you will regreat it Ross." I said to him.  Then men came into the building from every corner and Klaue appered. I walked away and watched this deal go down. And Klaue had pulled the axe out from his pants. I'm sorry but what the f--

"T'challa." Nakia said and I snapped out of my thoughts, I was still looking at the deal that was going down.

"I see it, we will act later we do not want to risk losing both of the things we want." I said to Okoye and Nakia.

"So what is your play part crasher?' Nakia,. I looked up at okoye one of the men elbowed past her, the man stopped in his tracks and turned around and he followed her.

"We may have run out of options, I'm afraid." Okoye warned us. It was almost on cue when the guarrds yelled out, "Wakandans. They're here."

"At least I can finally lose this." Okoye muttered as she ripped the wig off of her head and she threw it at one of the guards I laughed at her and she pulled out her spear and one quick movement,  she threw a punch at the large man, his momentum, propelled him over the railing of the balcony.

The man flew in the air and crashed down onto the table next to Klaue and Agent Ross. "You broke my rules, I said no outsiders." Klaue said and they pulled ttheir weponds out and i picked up and brought agent Ross with me and I ducked down as they started shooting their guns.

"Light it up." Klaue said.

"I can't get a shot from her." Ross said and I sighed out in frustration, because he was right.

"My men are going down quickly, how are your men." He asked.

"Women." I said and I looked up at them as they held their own ground. "They are doing completely fine." I said as both Okoye and Nakia were doing amzing honestly. "They will make up for your losses." I said to him.

Nakia engaged in hand to hand combat with one of Klaue's men, she radioed to us. "Can we just wrap this party up before any innocent people get hurt?" Nakia said, and Okoye sighed in frustration.

"Doing my best Nakia." Okoye said.

"I thiink our King here maybe trapped." Nakia said meeting eyes with Everest and I, and I shook my head at them telling them not to help me.

"You two handle the guards and I will handle Klaue." I said to them.

"When I say go, then you need to move the  table and take out some of his men." I said to him and he looked at me confused.

"GO!" I said and I jumped up and jumped over the tables, and Klaue spotted me and tried to shoot at me and he missed I landed in front of him and he pointed his weapond directly at me, He looked at me, "So they make Kings bullet proof now, I am going to make you go BOOM like your daddy did." Klaue said, pointing his gun at me and he pulled the triger but nothing happened so he dropped his gun to the side, and I watched as his prostetic arm formed as a gun, he fired at me and I barley made the flip.

The blast tore through the dealers area, dazed and trapped under dabris. Klaues eyes flutteredd shut as money went flying everywhere. "Look I made it rain!" He said and He turned and siginaled to the remaining men and They ran for the door. Nakia and Okoye ran out of the building following them and I got up and ran after them.

I ran outside, and I called my sister. "I'm ready." She said as the car moved and we began chasing after Klaue as I was in my suit and I was on top of the roof and we were now on a chase.

This day has only just began. I thought.

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