~Let's teach this wretch a lesson in manners he won't soon forget!~ Ares growls in my head, and I struggle to stop his wolf form from pushing through the surface. I need to keep my head level too...I have an Alpha to confront.

"Trust me Thomas, I'm not crawling anywhere, especially not back to this wretched place. Besides...the only mongrel I see here is you." I retort again, and his furious expression actually gets a chuckle out of me, his now black eyes looking impossibly darker through my sunglasses.

"You little-"

"As fun as it is messing with your head Thomas, I didn't come here to quibble with you," I interrupt, "I actually have some unfinished business with Alpha Samson...so would you make yourself useful and call him for me? It would be most helpful." I ask in a disinterested voice, my smirk only making him angrier.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here alone and making demands...just who do you think you are?" He growls out as he starts stepping closer, and I chuckle before motioning to my warriors to show themselves.

"Who says I came here alone? And as for my status...that's the business I'd rather discuss with Alpha Samson..." I reply as he looks at the six other warriors standing guard around me. I personally know I can handle this pompous Beta, but I also know that as their Alpha they're going to protect me first and foremost.

"So, if you wouldn't mind summoning him...that would be perfect." I continue, only to look towards the sound of snapping twigs to see the Alpha himself walking towards me. His face one of shock and anger as he stares me down...or tries to anyway. His Alpha glare does nothing to me now.

"You have quite a lot of nerve coming back here mutt, and a death wish to actually want to see me again after you made a fool of me." Samson growls out as he stalks towards me, and I stand my ground as Ares begins bristling with anger again.

Show time.

"If you're expecting me to tremble in fear Samson, you are mistaken. Your threats don't scare me...they never have." I respond, my canines descending as my anger begins bubbling to the surface.

"Is that so?" He asks doubtfully, stopping once he's right in my face, and I wave off my warriors as they start to approach Samson. I can see his carefully masked surprise at how I can now reach his eyes...my height being one of the things that's increased since I've embraced my Alpha status.

"Oh yes, it was quite difficult to pretend to be afraid of you when I wasn't, to pretend to respect you when I didn't, or to take your orders when they rolled over me like water over stone...and I think you know exactly why that is." I answer, and I can see his fearless expression waver at my emphasis on the last part.

"I have no idea what you're implying, you're still the same delusional and disrespectful omega that left this pack." He says with obvious denial, obviously knowing better.

"You sure about that? Because I think you and I both know that it's a lie." I say as I pull off my sunglasses, and as I reveal my silver colored eyes he steps backwards in shock...and I finally let my power roll off of me in waves...making the Black Sun wolves shudder at the sudden change.

"You and I both know that me and Maka were never omegas, that we both were born with a status that would be your demise...that's why you treated us like omegas since the day we were born...even if our wolves always knew the truth."

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