Chapter 1 - Pendants and Power

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"Dressing to impress a girl?" I asked as he sat down next to me.

"What?" He asked, his alto voice full of confusion.

"Oh, come on, you only wear that shirt when you want to show off your biceps," I teased and saw him grow a slight shade redder.

"You can't talk, Miss I've-had-a-crush-on-Jace-since-I-was-three-years-old," he scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

We sat there making idle conversation until we heard the doors creak open behind us.

"Did you get yours?" I heard a certain voice call from the top of the stairs. I stood up and turned to watch Izzy, Alec and Jace make their way down the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm assuming you got yours," Izzy walked slightly faster than her brother and friend and grabbed my hands from my sides.

"Can you believe we made it to 10th grade?" Izzy began shaking my hands, I noticed her matching pendant as it swung on her neck, the crest of Raziel High.

"Actually, I haven't given much thought to that fact," I lied, exerting as much sarcasm as I could, "Uhh, Iz, I can't feel my hands.

She rolled her eyes and let go of my hands which were turning a pale color. She began trotting down the rest of the stairs to catch up with Alec and Nathan who began walking toward the school.

"It suits you," Jace's voice interrupted my thoughts, "The pendant, I mean."

"Thanks," I turned to him with a smile, "Where is yours?"

He scoffed then motioned to his right hand with his head. Rolling my eyes I approached him and grabbed his right hand, pulling up the sleeve of jacket to reveal a black wristband with the crest on it.

"See, its not so bad," I laughed and then looked back up into his eyes where I froze. I wanted so bad to keep holding his hand but I let it fall through my fingertips. He lifted the hand up and ran it through his golden hair.

"We should probably catch up to the group," His voice sliced through the silence, "I can't see Alec being happy if we miss whatever it is he is probably talking about."

"Yeah, your right," I laughed and pivoted on my heel to commence walking down the steps, followed closely by Jace, "He would have us locked up for the year."

It didn't take too long to catch up with the group, not long enough though. I rarely got Jace to myself last year, but that was because he and Alec were heavily training to become parabatai but now that the ceremony was all done, hopefully, I'll get to see him some more. It was stupid to feel so much for one person but I just couldn't help it, I felt what I felt and I have to accept that. As we joined the group again I was distracted by Alec talking about the event I have waited for since I can remember, the weapons ceremony.

"-lieve it, the relief I felt when my bow chose me," Alec was saying, "I've been training with it since I was young and to know that it would be my weapon for the rest of my training was comforting, what do you think you will get Jace?"

"Huh?" I looked up in time to see Jace turn his head quickly from me to his parabatai, "a seraph blade, obviously."

"And you Clary?" Alec shifted his gaze to me, I met his eyes which were full of curiosity.

"I really don't know," I shrugged, "I guess I've been an all rounder my entire like that I've been so excited to see which weapon 'choses' me."

"Well, I would like a whip," Isabelle cheered as we entered the front of the school, "They are so much easier to hide than swords, let alone a bow!"

We all laughed at Izzy's crack at her brother, who exhaled sharply then muttered something about his sister. From then he changed direction and stalked toward the front office.

"I need to go as well, to the office I mean," Nathan chuckled one last time before adding, "Something tells me my co-captain won't wait for me."

"And we need to check out our classes," Isabelle claimed, grabbing my wrist and yanking me forward. I managed to latch my hand onto Jace's jacket so I was pulling him while Izzy was pulling me.

We hauled to a stop in front of a large marble notice board which was decorated with runes and what they meant to help students remember. The entire school's schedule was visible on the board but it was easy to see the year 10 classes. Because there was only 7 of us, there were only two of each class so the cohort was split into two. The subjects we took included; study of languages, battle theorizing, history of the shadow world, study of runes and training of course. I knew from my letter which I received at the beginning of the year that I was in class A for languages, runes and training and class B for battle theory and history. Which meant, according to this schedule for the next year that I would have languages first, battle theory second, study of runes third, history fourth and then finish the day with training.

"I've got languages, history, runes, battle theory then training," Jace said, after a long silence, "What about you Clary?"

"Runes, battle theory, languages, history then training," Izzy chimed, when she tore her eyes off the board she saw the look of annoyance that had dawned upon Jace's face, "Right, Clary, sorry."

"I have languages, battle theory, runes, history and then training," I smiled at Jace in order to make him stop glaring at Izzy and it sort of worked. He adjusted his gaze so that his eyes once again met mine and I completely lost my train of thought, "Uhh-- I-I have languages and runes with you then battle theory and history with Iz, which leaves..."

"Training with both of us," Jace finished my sentence with a smirk. This was good, I was going to see Jace a lot more this year.

"Well, because of the Weapon Ceremony, we won't have battle theory today and Jace won't have history, although I still have runes and you two have languages together," it was then that Izzy subtlety elbowed me. I looked at her with a hurt and confused expression when she pursed her lips and made a sharp indication toward Jace, who was reading the few notices on the board below the class schedules.

"Oh, right," I mouthed and after a inhale of fresh air I addressed Jace, "Shall we head to the languages block?"

"Sure," he answered rather smugly. When we began walking to the classrooms Jace didn't even turn around to say, "See you at the ceremony, Iz."

Raziel High (A Shadowhunters FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora