Jake and His Mates

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AN: Finally I'm updating! Sorry this going to be a very short chapter, but don't worry, I'll update frequently. Anyways-

Chapter 3: Jake and His Mates

"Becky! Get your lazy ass up! My friends are here! Jake yells shaking Rebeeca roughly, making her fall off the bed.

"Hey! Leave me alone!" Rebecca groans rubbing her shoulders. She hears male voices snickering, and immediately gets up from her spot and looks around to see 3 boys staring at her and one girl.

"So this is your little cute roommate hey?" A brawny blonde hair guy saids.

"Tyler!" The blonde hair girl barks and gives him a small punch on the shoulder looking jealous.

"Jealous are we Esther?" Tyler smirks.

"So Becky these are my friends. The tall blonde one is Tyler Marks, he's probably the best out of all of them, I've known his since we were little. The girl by the way is named Esther and is his girlfriend-"

"I'm not his girlfriend Jake! I'm just his roommate..."

"Really? How about that time when I just so happened to walk into your dorm while you two were having a really passionate kiss?"

Esther blushes but shakes her head and tries to defend herself.

"He just crashed out lips together! I had no idea what was going on..."

"That's not how I remember it!" Tyler shouts smirking.

"Anyway, the one with jet black hair is Drew, he loves eating cookies, so if you're a baker, try making some cookies for him."

"Ok..." Rebecca awkwardly mutters.

"Last but not lease the brunette boy is named Thomas. He's really loud and is such a prankster." Jake gives Thomas a big smack in the back.

"Who should I hang out with when school starts in an hour?" Rebecca asks.

"Oh! You can hang out with me and my friends!" Esther smiles at Rebecca and grabs her hand.


"Guys! This is Rebecca, she's new to our school and roommates with Jake King! Rebecca, these are my friends. The girl with black hair is named Isabella. The girl with blonde hair is named Hayley."

Esther introduces Rebecca to all her friends, who seem really friendly and are asking her to sit down with them.

"So, your roommates with Mr.King?" Isabella asks kindly.

"Yeah. Why do you call him Mr.King?"

"Duh! He is our english teacher. A hottie isn't he?"

"WHAT!" Rebecca yells, she's sharing a dorm with her teacher?!?!

"But he looks so young! And he's friends with so many-"

Rebecca gets cut off with the girl's laughter.

"You're so naive! Of course he isn't our teacher! He looks so young and if he was a teacher I highly doubt he would share a dorm room with a student!" Isabella continues to laugh.

"Sorry Becky. That was just too funny. Look, we'll show you around the school okay? How does that sound?" Esther pretends to wipe a tear off her cheek.

"That sounds good." Rebecca mutters, blushing.


AN:Sorry it's short! I just wanted to update really quick since it's been so long! I'll try to update quickly! Promise! Please vote and comment!!!!

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