𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 9

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The four of us went home with a headache.

Liz:So how was your ✌plan✌?

Mace:Yeah. Did you guys did something ✌stupid✌?

Lance:First, stop doing ✌like this✌ again.

Jade:Second, it's not stupid.

Rico:Third, we have a headache.

Brea:Lastly, We need your help.

Lizzy:Fine. What is it then?

Jade:Please pretend that you two are dating.

Mizzy gasped.

Mace:Are you guys crazy?!

Rico:Mace, we're serious here. Please we need your help.

Lizzy:A help that shouldn't be exposed.

Lance:Guys, we need you two to date or else Tree,Menji and Adiego will tell our parents!

Mace:Wait.. you told them you four are dating?

Brea:*sighs* Yes. Here will tell you the story.


-at school-

Madisyn:Hey guys!

Breance&Jicardo:Oh hey! Thanks for coming.

Benji:So what is it your gonna tell us?

Cree:I am sensing something right now.

Addie:So what are you gonna tell us?

Rico:The thing is.. we're dating.

Diego:You and Jade?


Lance:And me and Brea are dating.

Thomas:Woah. This is a huge.

Jade:So? What do you guys think?

Cree:We're surprised! But.. does your friends Lizzy and Mace know?

Addie:Yeah. That you guys are dating?

Brea:Of course. We told them before you guys.

Madisyn:Oh okay. Does your.. parents know?

Lance:Why are you asking?

Benji:Just curious.

Rico:Uhh.. no they don't.

Thomas:Why? You guys should tell your parents before we do.

Lance:Why are you gonna tell our parents?

Diego:If case you do or not know, we are the popular kids in this school.

Addie:And our number one rule to be one of us is that..

Cree:You guys should are HONESTLY dating then you will join us.

Thomas:Our HONESTLY means that your parents know that you guys know.

Benji:If you don't, one of us will expose you that you are actually lying that you're actually NOT dating.

Madisyn:So? Are you guys telling the truth?

They all glare at us.

Lance:FINE. I confess.

Brea:*mouthens to Lance* What are you doing?

Rico:Lance's right. WE confess.

Jade:*mouthens to Rico* What the heck are you doing too?


Jade&Brea:Yes. Honest.


Thomas:Okay. I guess we're done here.

Cree:Not yet. Be honest guys.

Rico:Fine the truth is..

Lance:Our parents don't know.


Brea:Oh ummm.. because... our... p-parents... are... uhhh...

Jade:Strict! I mean.. very, very strict.

Addie:We don't mind if you guys don't tell your parents. But in one condition..

Madisyn:We want any other two people to date and tell the truth for you too.

Benji:It's not that hard. You can find any other people in this school.

Diego:See you guys tomorrow!

Then they left.

Brea:We're dead.

Rico:Now who will be the other two people to prove that we're dating?

Then we saw Mizzy walking to their lockers.

Lance:I am thinking..



Liz:So you just want that we will prove that you guys are dating and so of us?

Mace:And for you guys to be damn popular?

Jade:You two aren't listening. It's not because we want to be popular.

Rico:But for us all not to be exposed.

Mace:Okay. But.. why us?

Lance:We have no other two people but you two.

Brea:And besides, you two are the oldest siblings among us all.

Liz:Look, we want to help you guys from not being exposed by those popular kids but.. me and Mace dating?!

Mace:Yeah. What if we get REALLY caught?

Rico:They won't even know.

Mace:They will if they saw our last names!

Lance:We will all make a plan of our last names, our birth certificate and everything.

Brea:Just please help us. Please.



Liz:Fine. We will.


Brea:Thanks Mizzy!

Liz:What did you say?

Lance:Come on get used of it.

Rico:Okay I guess we're done here.

Jade:You two can go back to your beloved room.

Mace and Lizzy rolled their eyes then they went to Mom and Dad's room while me and Lance went to the girls' room.



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