Chapter- 2(B)

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Part 2(b)

8 Years later

"Looking at your company's success rates and reliability features, we are ready to give a chance to our partnership for this tender Mr. Jordy. Triffin is known for its perfection all over Canada... So I expect the same from you. I won't tolerate delays or any mistakes. My assistant will let you know the other procedures. I will see you later" saying this with a business smile, Sanskar stands and buttons his black slim-fit coat. As on cue, Mr. Jordy too stands up and forwards his hand for a friendly gesture saying, " There won't be any complain and I will look forward to our next meet."

Sanskar takes his own time to look at his forwarded hand and then back at him. Maintaining his persona, he takes his hand in one firm shake implying without words that he is a person you can't be friendly with.

Leaving the room, with his one hand tucked inside the pocket of his formal black pant, he informs his assistant to help Mr. Jordy with further instructions and to postpone his other meetings for two days. Though, not able to digest the fact that his hardworking and ambitious boss, every year delays his work for two days at this particular time of year, his assistant still couldn't muster up an ounce of courage to ask reason from his monstrous and fiery boss. He nods but guesses that his boss is in hurry as he has already passed him without even waiting for his reply.

"Idiot, he knows that none has that potent to deny him then what's the use of HIM waiting for your response. " he murmurs under his breath and departs to carry out his master's orders.

Only the sounds of shoes, tapping on the clear and shiny floor of the Triffin company is heard throughout the reception area as if none other than Sanskar is present in one of the famous company of Canada. Marching out of office with his head high, demanding full respect as well as obedience of all his staffs earns him wishes from all.

Having a personality like his name and looking absolutely handsome, Sanskar Maheshwari also knows the value of respect and hardwork. He has a powerful aura that has a big contribution in making him a strong, determined and a fearful ruler of the Triffin.

Sanskar's POV

This day always make me anxious and always keep me on my toes that I am not able to stop myself from going there annually. Directing my driver to the place, I lean at the backseat and close my eyes.

Trying to relax my anxious nerves, I look out of the window to discover some peace when the ringing of my phone distracts me.

"Yes?" If it would have been any other day then 'maybe' I would have greeted Ken with atleast a casual hello but now it seems so hard to maintain my shrewdness towards him.

"Hey Sanskar! Merry Christmas man."


"(Sigh) Sanskar I know that you really are VERY UPSET from me but atleast consider our age that time. We were minors and full of energy. It was just an unintended accident."

This talk always end like this but I am not able to come to terms with him. It's been like this for almost years and I really miss him and our friendly time and I know he too misses it but it's complicated and I don't know why?!!

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