Not yet, love (fluff)

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*No smut, a couple swears*
Richie's POV

I wake up at 8:00 am to my alarm on a Saturday to my alarm, due to me forgetting to turn it off. I stomp out of bed across my room, turn it off, and angrily return to my warm bed. As soon as I climb under my blankets and start to get comfy, my eyes shoot open as I remember that I had my first official "date" if you could even call it that. Eddie has been my boyfriend for probably a month now, and though we've hung out as boyfriends, this time I actually asked him as if it were a date.

"Baby, lets do something on Saturday"
"Do what, Rich?"
"Watch movies or somethin'"
"We always watch movies together on Saturdays"
"Okay, but I want this one to be like, a date"
"That's gay"
"You're gay, Eds"
"For you"

Which ended in a nice make out session and cuddles afterwards. I get up at about 10 and decide to shower. While showering, I couldn't get my mind off of my damn boyfriend. What would happen tonight? Would it be like every other Saturday after all? No I couldn't let that happen. Tonight is gonna be special.
I put on some presentable but comfortable clothes, (by presentable, I mean some clean sweatpants and a T-shirt) I eat, I prepare some stuff in my living room for tonight, and I patiently wait for my adorable boyfriend to come over.

Eddie's POV

I get to Richie's house at 8:00 and practically skip up to his door because I'm so excited. I knock exactly one time before Richie flings the door open and launches at me with a hug.
"Hi, sweetheart"
"Hey Rich. You a little excited there?"
I hug him tighter before letting go.
Once we started watching the movie, (he chose Ferris Beuller's day off) he immediately got extremely lovey and cuddly, but I was definitely not complaining. He put his left arm around my shoulders while rubbing my thigh with his right hand. I love these distracted touches. About half an hour into the movie, he lightly pushes me towards the edge of the couch before pulling me in front of him, laying down on the couch. It's not the biggest couch, so it's veeery cramped but I love being this close to him and I'm sure he doesn't mind. Because I'm so comfortable I start dozing off. One, because Richie is so warm, it's making me sleepy, and two, he keeps lightly tickling up and down my arm, also making me sleepy. Richie must've noticed because he starts shaking for me to wake up. I sit up, and he pulls me back towards him, pulling me up into is lap so I'm straddling his waist, facing him. He starts giving me light kisses all over my face, starting with my forehead, going all around and then finally landing on my lips.
"You can't fall asleep yet, baby." Richie said, continuing to kiss me.
"But Richiiiee, you're so comfy, I can't help it," I say, resting my head on his shoulder.
He gently takes my chin into his hand and places a long, sweet kiss on my lips.
"But Eds, I want to spend as much time with you as possible, while awake. Even though you are incredibly fucking adorable while you sleep, you won't be able to kiss me back if you're asleep."
The "adorable" comment sent butterflies into my stomach, making me smile like and idiot.
"Fine, but only because I love you're kisses." I say, giving him another kiss.
"And don't call me Eds"
Richie grabs my hips tighter than before and starts lightly making out with me for only a few seconds before saying, "okay princess." And we continue to make out for a little while. Once the movie is over, including the credits, I have my head back on Richie's shoulder, falling asleep again. My arms are wrapped behind him, and I rub his back underneath his T-shirt, while he plays with my hair. As I slowly stop rubbing Richie's back, he notices I'm falling asleep and puts both of his hands on either side of my face before giving me one last long kiss before saying "not yet, love."
But I end up falling asleep anyway after a couple more kisses, and he does too, both of us content with the other in our arms.

-745 words

>AHHH THIS IS WEIRD, first story ever so I'm sorry if it sucks! Give me feedback please, I want to make you guys happy!!!
Also v short
- Enty

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