3. Pink

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The week dragged on slower than ever. The only thing to keep me motivated was the fact that I'd finally be at a party with Anne May. I still couldn't believe she'd invited me as her plus one.

I gave Federico the incredible news at lunch on Monday.

"Dude! You are so blessed," Federico proclaimed, wiping the gravy from the corners of his mouth.

"I know. I'm almost 90% sure she likes me back," I confessed. "When we met at the park, I could see her getting flustered."

"Are you sure it wasn't just 'cause she was self-conscious of not wearing makeup?" Federico took a bite out of his chicken leg.

"Don't say that. Anne May blushed and turned away plenty of other times too, even before she realized she wasn't wearing makeup."

"Maybe she was making sure her entourage wasn't watching."

"Then why would she invite me as her plus one?"

"Good point." He chugged his water.

"Have you gotten an invite yet?" I questioned.

"Not yet. But I'm sure my new friend Lisa will ask me."

"Right. Your new friend. You're talking about that girl you hit up on Saturday, aren't you?"

"Yep. Hey, Kendall is still hooked-up on you, according to Lisa."

"That purple haired girl?"

"Pink haired," he corrected.

"But that was a one night stand," I said.

"Sucks for her. Haha, that's what she said!"

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just warning you, you might want to avoid her at the party.

Shit, if she sees me and causes a scene, I don't want to know what will happen with me and Anne May. I just hope we don't cross paths.


At last, Friday came. The text with the location came an hour after school.

Me: Thanks, can't wait to see you there :)

Anne May: I know. It's going to be so much fun!😁

I showered and dressed formally with a tucked-in loose white shirt and black slacks. I combed back my slick dirty blonde hair. I sprayed on some cologne. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, flashed a smile, and decided to go.

As soon as I stepped out, I got a message from Federico saying that he wouldn't be able to pick me up this time on the account that he would be picking up those girls we hooked up with last week and I probably wouldn't want to bump into Pink-haired Girl.

And he was right. I took my keys and drove myself to the party. It was a 20-minute drive. I'd left home at 6:30 and arrived at 6:50.

I parked across a modern two-story house with palm trees and luscious green grass. The house had a flat roof and large windows, almost as big as the walls. I got out of the car, closed the door and locked the car. I looked both ways before crossing the street.

I heard the splashing water from a fountain nearby, though I couldn't see it. The sky was slowly fading from pink to purple.

I went up the smooth steps, the door was open. Pleasant silence was replaced by loud music and the ecstatic voices of young people. I made my way through the crowd, and greeted classmates as I passed by.

I finally found my way into the kitchen and poured myself a drink. I was barely tipping the glass to my lips when I heard a voice behind me say, "Hey!"

I turned around. How did Anne May find me so fast? And why was her voice so high-pitched... Not even when she greets me does she seem so joyful.

"What's a cute guy like you doing over here drinking all alone?" I regarded the girl who's playful voice belonged to.

She held her arms behind her back, and was jutting out her chest. She wore a horse-shoe collar with medium length sleeves, revealing her massive breasts.
She had raven black hair with electric pink streaks that fell to her shoulders, along with a cherry red hairband. Her waist curved in while her hips were broad underneath her skinny jeans.

She had an arabesque skin tone with sable-colored doe eyes. She looked at me expectantly, waiting for my answer.

"'My friend hasn't answered my texts yet," I replied, and took a sip of my drink while looking out into the crowd hanging out in the living room.

"I see. Guy or girl?" She began to pour herself a drink as well.

"Guy. I bet he's busy with his girl friends right now." I saw no sign of Anne May.

"I suppose he wouldn't mind if I stole you for a bit, would he?"

I peered into the crowd one more time. I'll see someone eventually, right? I don't want to stand in the kitchen all night.

"No, I don't suppose he would. What do you want to do?"

She abruptly put down her glass and clutched my hands.

"Let's go outside and dance! That's what parties are for, after all!"

"Sounds good to me," I grinned.

I let her lead me to the patio. By now, the sky was a navy blue color. The pool was glistening a mesmerizing aqua reflection onto people who walked by. Some groups were drinking cocktails, others were jamming out to the stereo.

Pink-Streaks let go of my hand as we approached a clear spot. Bodies moved around us, but not so close as to not let us move comfortably. She moved her head back and forth rhythmically. I let the beat pulse through my veins, and busted a few moves myself. She whooped and I chuckled.

I finally felt good, unlike the other parties where I felt like a ghost wandering. Everything and everyone was alive, grooving to the melody. I felt alive in a way I hadn't in a long time.

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