Chapter 2

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(Up above in the photo is the Katana he uses. It's a double-edged all black katana. Now let's get into the story.)

I was walking through the sewers to go to the turtle's lair. They had invited to meet two of their friends, somebody named Casey and April. They told me a little bit about them. April was half human half kraang. She was learning ninjustu from their sensei, whose name was Splinter. But April was wanted by the kraang for a big project but they didn't know what exactly.
Casey well casey was like Raphael. Both were hotheads, always wanting to rush in battle without a plan. But that's what I liked about them, when they did that I could go in stealthy.
They know I don't like any humans at all but if they was friends of the turtles their friends of mines.
I thought to myself "Time to go meet these humans."

I walked into the lair seeing Mikey and Raph playing the pinball machine and heard Donnie in his lab working on another project of his. I couldn't find Leo but I had a feeling he was training or either with Splinter. "Hey guys. Had a successful mission on gather information??" Mikey answered "Tots dude! Shreddar and the kraang are planning something big. Kraang are due here for two months or so so we have time to train. The purple dragons are involved also. And your old master...but don't worry we'll stop all of this. In the meantime I'll order pizza! Mhmmm pizza with anchovies and extra cheese. See you guys in a lil bit."
Raph just rolled his eyes and shoved Mikey because he lost and talked to much. "C'mon gio, let's go train with leo." "Alright! But first let me get a snack."

Raph came with me and we talked. "So gio how's it going??" I looked at him with narrowed eyes but I softened them a lil bit." Fine. When am I going to meet these humans??. You know I don't like humans." "Awww you'll be alright. Their nice and resourceful when it comes to getting information during daytime." "Hmmm."

We walked in the training room, seeing leo hacking away at the practice dummy. Raph teasing him like always. "C'mon fearless leader go faster" "Shut it raph. I'm in here training for the upcoming battle while you guys are playing around. Now you can either train with me or get out. Oh hello gio." I waved at him and said "Well raph are you joining or not." He looked mad and said "You are so on!"

Leo was in the far corner and Raph was opposite. I was at the point of the lil triangle. I had my katana while raph had his sais and leo had his twin katanas. We was circling each other. This kind of competition we had between was helping all of us get better. Not only that it was fun training with other mutants, that was my age and trained in the art of ninjustu. We all sat there waiting for one to make the first move when Raph lunged at Leo and they started fighting. I watched trying to see their weak points. It never hurts to observe your friends because one day they could be your enemy. I made my move when leo kicked raph in the wall. Katana against katanas, we're pushing with all of our strength until the two katanas got the better of me. I stumbled slightly but that was all leo leo needed. He pushed me back then kicked me then grabbed my hands and swung me around and let me go. "Aghhhhh." I hit the wall hard but I wasn't about to give up now. I slowly got up then saw mikey in the trees. I signalled him to attack leo from above while me and raph do a frontal assault. Mikey dropped down and kicked leo and raph rushed in to punch him. But I knew it would be hard to take leo leo down. But somehow it worked. When mikey kicked him, he kicked him into raph and that's when raph punched him, knocking the wind out of him. But he recovered quickly. Then I made my move. I ran towards him and did a roundhouse kick but he caught my foot and slung me into mikey. "Never try to ambush me mikey." "Awww c'mon leo. You know like I do that there's no fair fights or advantages on battlefield." "Right fearless leader. Now suck it up." "Ummm guys April and Casey are here."

They walked out first and I decided to wait. They went up to them and started talking to them but I couldn't hear what they was saying. Only a little bit. So I walked out and introduced myself. Casey and April looked shocked to see me but both regained their composure. Casey walked up to me and looked carefully. "Woah dude.. you guys didn't tell me he was badass. I mean look at him. How good can you fight..what is your name??"
"I can fight pretty well casey and my name is Giovanni but you can call me gio." April didn't say anything but look, but I can tell she was about to say something.
"You're the white shadow aren't you. The one who escaped 7 years from that evil scientist!" I looked shocked that she knew that much but answered her anyway. "I am. And how do you know about that??" "Word does get around. Especially since you called yourself the white shadow. I've dealt with the foot and they asked me did I know you or have heard of you but I didn't. Wow you have them scared."
I didn't say nothing but I was proud of myself for my work. I put fear in their hearts and that's what made me proud.

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