"No," Cleo voiced firmly, moving closer towards Keith on the bed. "It's okay, we just finished." Sophia nodded her head in agreement, though she was silent.

"It's sort of hectic downstairs." He swallowed, feeling strangely embarrassed. "I was wondering if I could..."

Cleo nodded her head with a chuckle. "Sit down." She motioned for Keith to sit on the bed and moved to make room. He obliged, crossing his legs over the soft quilt.

"It's so loud down there," Keith whispered, pulling at the quilt's yarn ties.

"It'll only get louder," Cleo confirmed. "I'm just trying to take in a few quiet moments before I go back to chaos."

Cleo's reference to 'chaos' was none other than dinner prep. Christmas dinner for the Sanchez was Christmas Eve night, or 'Nochebuena'. Such a feast had been explained to Keith before hand. Rosa and Jaime had partnered up for the food preperation battle, recruiting all their children into their army. Both Keith and Sophia had been invited to help as well -- even if Keith messed up several times and tension between Sophia and the other siblings lingered.

So," Cleo began, stretching her legs across Keith's crossed knees. "You ready to be completely torn apart tonight?"

Sophia spoke up, her voice politely quiet. "Wait, who's tearing Keith apart?"

"Lance, obviously." A wicked smile plastered Cleo's cheeks. "I was thinking mistletoe pranks."

Keith blushed, the red erupting as it always did. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, I would."

"Speaking of Lance," Keith began, trying desperately to change the subject before Cleo accumulated any more ideas. "I don't have a gift for him."

Cleo gaped, launching up from the bed like a jack in the box. "You what?!"

Keith nodded, though his blush had returned into something more sheepish. "I have absolutely no idea what to get him."

"Have you asked him what he wants?"

Shaking his head, Keith continued, "I've never been good at this sort of thing. I forgot that giving presents was even a tradition until a few hours ago and--"

"I can take you to get something."

Keith blinked, shocked that Sophia had even instituted the idea. She showed no hint of second thoughts, instead smiling at Keith all genuine.

"I don't mind -- I have a car, Alexi's with Mateo, and we can escape without the others knowing."

Keith wasn't sure if that was a good idea. It wasn't that he was particularly against it; a trip to the store would be helpful. What Keith was against was the awkwardness he knew for a fact would be present. A car ride. Alone, with Sophia, the woman he had met only twenty four hours prior. All to get his fake boyfriend a christmas gift that he forgot about . How pleasant.

Except, underneath that layer of amiable cheeks, Sophia's question turned into something more than just an offer. It was a request, like she wanted him to come with her. Like she needed him to agree.

Maybe that's what lead Keith to say yes.

So here he was, sitting in the passenger seat of Sophia's old sudan. The two were headed towards Payson, the closest town with a real Walmart. Five minutes into their drive, and Sophia decided to pop a Tchaikovsky CD into the car's music player.

"Classical." She confessed, pressing play on the radio and turning the volume down to a soft hum. "It's my favorite. Reminds me of my dancing days."

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